
Active Member
Does anybody know which wire goes into which numbered socket for the GMU 22 magnetometer connection plug? I got the downloaded pin layout for the GMU 22 but I just don't know which colored wire is being used for which function. Vans sends you the wiring harness but doesn't send you a diagram showing what each wire is intended for.

Download a copy of the G3X install manual for more info

Pin Name I/O
2 RS-485 OUT B Out
4 RS-485 OUT A Out
5 SPARE --
7 SPARE --
8 RS-232 IN In
9 +12 VDC POWER In
Thanks for the reply but what you listed is what the downloaded installation manual has which I have. My problem is that I don't know which wire is the

2 RS-485 OUT B Out
4 RS-485 OUT A Out
5 SPARE --
7 SPARE --
8 RS-232 IN In
9 +12 VDC POWER In

I didn't build the wiring harness so I don't know which wire is being used for each of the listed items.

Can somebody put which colored wire to use next to the list above so I can place the correct wire in each of the 9 sockets.
Maybe I'm missing something obvious enough here, but you need to check each instrument that the magnetometer is supposed to be connected to.
I.E., an rs-232 tx on the magnetometer should be connected to an rs-232 receive on whatever instrument it's supposed to be connected to. The color is not an automatic guide because it really depends on what it's plugged into on the other end. The color of the wire is a guide to assure you that you're working with the correct wire from the other connected end once you've identified it.

As you do each wire, you can then write down the color to remind you during future maintenance. Personally, I like to put a small tag on each wire to remind me of which pin it's going into.

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I'm sorry I guess I forgot to mention that I don't have any of my Instruments bought yet. What I'm trying to do is put together or finish as much of the Wings and the Wiring as I can before I start on the Fuselage.

So therefor all I have is just the Wiring Harness with no map or guide as to what each wire is being used for that is until I get to the stage of wiring all the instruments but that will be a long time from now.
Ok, easy then.
Just put each pin/wire into the magnetometer plug. At the other end of the harness, label each wire with the pin it's plugged into.

Either function (Rs-232 tx) or pin #. When you get your instruments, the schematic for each instrument will tell you which pin to connect.

It's all a learning curve.

Tom H
I started to layout the wing wiring harness and ran into the same problem. Then I started researching what wires are actually needed and discovered that the strobe lights I'll be installing should be wired with shielded cable. There are no shielded cable pairs in the supplied harness. The closer I looked at the Van's provided harness the more questions I got. Until Van's better documents the electrical system or until I finalize my panel and instruments I decided it was best to move on.

I left the bottom skins off the wings for the time being and went to work on the fuselage. There's plenty of tasks yet to be done before I have to worry about closing up the wings...
But not all the pins are numbered on the socket. Numbers 1 and 9 are not labeled and it is unclear if 5 is the bottom hole or the middle hole.

The socket seems to be sort of randomly numbered.
But not all the pins are numbered on the socket. Numbers 1 and 9 are not labeled and it is unclear if 5 is the bottom hole or the middle hole.

The socket seems to be sort of randomly numbered.

Yes, it does seem sort of random.... this might help -

Not sure whether to count clockwise or anti-clockwise - depends on male vs. female.

PS pin 5 is in the middle...:)


PDF Page 33 here is much easier to read...
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Did anyone come up with the answer to the original question? I am at the same point and need to know what colored wires go in what numbered holes Thanks
Pin out in the wing

Not sure if this is helpful

Magnetometer GMU 22 Left wing inboard inspection plate access
 Pin out CPU connector:
o 1 solid green shielded 12h00
o 2 white and black shielded 5 to
o 3 solid green twisted pair 5 past
o 4 solid red 14 V shielded ? to
o 5 Solid blue twisted pair with solid green twisted pair middle
o 6 white blue twisted pair with 9 white and green twisted pair ? past
o 7 solid black shielded twenty to
o 8 white and red shielded 20 past
o 9 white and green twisted pair 1/2 past