RV seat cushions are sloted for the stick, so the one in your picture will not work.
If you need a booster seat to raise you, Classic Aero Design, on this forum, has them for purchase.
Here's their url. http://www.classicaerodesigns.com/

When you buy their seat package, they come with 2 wedge boosters that you can use, one or both.
I'm sure you can buy them separately.
Thanks for mentioning us Dan. You probably got your seats earlier on when we included the wedges with them. We later realized that not everyone needs them, so we changed to selling them separately.

David, I don't mean to push our products on you. Hopefully I can provide some helpful information though:) There are several variables that we like to consider when it comes to seat wedges.

The proper height is fairly important to many customers. They want to get as high as possible without bumping their head in turbulence. In some cases too tall a wedge can also lead to stick interference.

The other issue is comfort. We found out early on that the wrong shape of wedge can make a very comfortable seat very painful. My friend's wife was complaining about the new seats we made them being painful after about an hour. He thought they were great. We were puzzled. It turned out, a small change in the shape of her seat wedge resulted in a seat she could sit on all day. Since then we've paid a lot of attention to wedge design. Here is an example of one of our wedge shapes:


Sorry for the long winded explanation. Feel free to call or email me if I can provide any other helpful information for your problem.

Best regards,
I have the Classic Aero seats and boosters in my RV6A and love them. We
have the seats in the far back position along with the pieces to make the backs
a little more upright. The boosters work perfectly. I have one under both main
seat bottoms and they give us the perfect view out of the cockpit. While
I did buy this airplane with the seats already in it, I would highly recommend
the Classic Aero seats.

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