jim miller

Well Known Member
Could someone PM me who has a good go-by for a POH for the RV3. I have some numbers but not sure what I need to be complete and presentable.

Jim Miller
I have one for a RV-3A, 150 HP, fixed pitch prop


as said before if it is for a RV-3B / 160 HP variable pitch prop Randy?s is the one to start from.

If you are looking for a POH for a RV-3A / 150 HP / fixed pitch prop just PM me and I will e-mail that what I have created using Randy?s POH as a starting point.

Randy certainly has a great site. Piper and cessna have nothing on him.
Heinz-I did PM you and would appreciate a copy of your handbook. My older
3A is more similar to yours.

Jim Miller