
Active Member
Hello everyone, I will make this short. N347RW is DONE. after 10 years of work i can say that the paper work is being submitted to the FAA. My RV6a looks great photo to be posted soon. But I do have a favor to ask.

Can someone please send me a copy of their pilot operating hand book, and check list so I can get an idea of what to.

Thanks to all for your help, and support, can't wait to fly.

Bob Wieczorek
[email protected]
N347RW RV6a
Hello everyone, I will make this short. N347RW is DONE. after 10 years of work i can say that the paper work is being submitted to the FAA. My RV6a looks great photo to be posted soon. But I do have a favor to ask.

Can someone please send me a copy of their pilot operating hand book, and check list so I can get an idea of what to.

Thanks to all for your help, and support, can't wait to fly.

Bob Wieczorek
[email protected]
N347RW RV6a

Well, first, CONGRATS BOB on your new airplane. Hopefully paperwork, first flight and phase 1 goes well. Keep us posted.

Second, I shamelessly used Mike Stewart's POH and modified it for my -6. I also have some flight test cards (in editable format) you may find useful. Send me a pm with your email address if you need the test cards.