
Well Known Member
Looking for pilot log software, what is the best for a not great at computer type?. I want it simple, and I would like it to be able to sort by date, a/c, night, duel, cfi, ect. I have 30 years of flying to key in, KISS.
For a reallysimple solution, just use Excel. Works great, and you can slice and dice the data any way you want. All depends on what you want to do with it.

Simply excellent. I have used it for ten years and am amazed at how good it is for an investment of $60 (and so far never an upgrade fee).

You will love it.
I will second the Excel recommendation.

Seems to me you know someone;) familiar with accounting, she should be able to help you set something up.

Or, my wife can whip up a spreadsheet for you next time you are in the area.
I also use Logbook Pro. I looked at a couple different choices, and just liked it for ease of use, options for sorting, and the ability to print it in a standard logbook layout. Different programs offer different layouts and options...for instance, one I saw will figure night time for you (if you enter the TO/LND times...a lot of typing!). Logbook Pro just seemed the most straight forward, though you have to assign night/IFR, etc...just like a standard log.

Catching up that much time will be a sugar-coat there. I had about the same amount of time to enter, and it took about 3-4 months of hand-jamming it in, a little at a time. It also required entering in aircraft types (once for each type, then each new N# can be assigned to its type). You can enter it via a spreadsheet format or a window-type format (I found the latter easier).

Pretty cool overall.

Mike...I was going to do that excel thing too, as I like playing with spreadsheets, and not trying to steal biz from Laura...yikes! :)...but after seeing the LBP program, seeing the legwork had been done, and it could be viewed or printed to look just like a Jepps Pilot Master Log (or similar), for $60, it was kind of a steal (our time is worth more!!). Good seeing you guys at Stead and at the Rib Cookoff!!

Ooops, that reminds me...gotta catch up last month's flying! ;)

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Do any of the programs let you import from Excel? I programmed a mainframe database logbook system once and entered all the flights, but that program and data is long gone. I do have the hard copy of the report though and could scan it in run it through a text converter and import it to Excel. Even if they don't I will probably convert it to Excel anyway.

Even with a computer based logbook, wouldn't you have to keep a regular logbook to document instructor sigs for BFR, endorsements etc?
Here's what I use...

I have been using a homemade Excel spreadsheet for over 10 years. Every so often, I print off the pages and sign the bottom, then put them someplace safe. I also keep a regular logbook for things that require another person's signature, such as flight reviews and instrument competancy checks by an instructor.

The Excel file is available on my website if anyone wants a copy. It's just one page but it gives you a start and it's easily modified.
I was going to ask about endorsements. That's why I have never bothered with an electronic logbook; otherwise I'd love to use one. Also, Robert M, as far as I know Kitlog Pro does not have a pilot log section. But I bet one would be really nice to add, if Matronics is listening...
I've been using Safelog ( for about 3 years. Except for the initial loading of data, which can be detailed or summary (you lose some of the reporting features), works well.

Can import from Excel, import scanned files (endorsements, etc.), and keep track of critical dates (BFR, Medical, currency, etc). Can also keep track of students and endorsements issued, etc.

I used Excel to load most of my previous data, then imported it.
I use fellow RV7's Dan's logshare ( ). For those of you who will point out that it's free and could go away at any point -- i just export to excel every so often and keep that copy at home. I also keep my paper log.
Logbook Pro

I just finished transfering all my military time into logbook pro. Very easy, excellent spreadsheet features, very easy to customize. I just checked the help file and it has an Import Wizard which seems to enable import of just about anything including excel. I had a little trouble with the install and the owner of the software was very accomodating and helpful. Couldn't ask for a better deal at $60. I also got the palm companion so I can enter flight time on my palm and sync it into the desktop spreadsheet.

Any body try Log Ten Pro? I have the mobile version which seems very nice. Any input is appreciated. Thanks in advance. Bill