My family and I plan to be in Land O'Lakes, FL, to visit friends next weekend (March 26th) and I wondered if anyone at X05 had a hangar spot available for an RV-7 for the night...

Thanks in advance,
[email protected]

I've seen several of these types of posts so this is a reply in general, not personally to this particular one.

I understand it's natural to want to protect a cherished possession just as I prefer to keep my nice cars garaged, but...


Is there a high degree of risk from damage, burglary, theft, vandalism, hail, acid rain, ocean spray, UV sun rays, or other expousers at many locations?

If just overnight, then sun isn't a factor. I don't read about a high exposure to theft or burglary. Is it really necessary to hangar your aircraft at all times while on a cross country or even small trip away from your normal location?

I do agree it's nice to get to know the kindness of even strangers helping you out with a hangar but is it always necessary?
Are you kidding?

Call the airport and tell them you want to rent a hangar. Don't expect people you don't know to go out of the way to provide you with hangar space, particularly after a reply like that.

I called the airport first and talked with a real nice guy there. Just reaching out to the pilot group. I know there are several RV's based there after talking for a few minutes with the gentleman on the phone. I helped out another guy in our area and it was no big deal.

No worries! This thread somehow took a turn for the please disregard my first post. It's all taken care of :)
Only if....

Only if I I lived there or close by.......I would offer mine. In a heartbeat!
Some of us spend a lot, to build our hangars for our hobbies. I would not have a problem squeezing in another's aircraft for a few nights. I would graciously accept and not have a problem asking on here, for a night's cover. Demanding accommodations (not asked for here) is another matter. Most VAF members are very accommodating, I just got blasted for sending a PM to a new VAF member warning them of a potential problem with a classifieds.
I have and will, leave my AC outside on cross countries, but I fail to see the problem with asking for accommodations from a fellow aviator.
After trying to help out a fellow VAF member and getting a blast reply I know how What-Now-Ski feels. Don't let a few bother you.

If you were going to be closer to Weirsdale (97FL Love's Landing) I'd make a call for you.

If anyone ever needs an overnight for their RV in Tehachapi, CA, I'll push my 170 back in the corner and make room. (Rocket project is still at home.)
out of curiosity, how does insurance work on something like this? if you pay insurance on your hangar, and you let someone else park their plane in it, and let's say, it explodes into a fireball......? or if they strike another plane, etc, they aren't listed on the policy.....just brainstorming

Thanks everyone for the kind offers! It was a rough start with this thread, but as always, people are willing to help out!
Mr. What-Now-Ski
Wow, rough beginning to the thread, I'm new to this forum and hope its not representative. Anyway, I'm a professor at PBA in West Palm and have been dying to see an RV. In fact I posted about this in the S. Fl. thread. I became a pilot years ago and plan on getting current as soon as my doctorate is completed, hopefully this summer. I have never been up close to an RV but can't get enough of them right now. I would love to see your plane and I'd be happy to buy you lunch just to hear you talk about it. My schedule is pretty flexible. Thanks.
Same goes for you jartlip! I just saw you are west of my exit for Palm Beach Atlantic Univeristy!