Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
I just got a PM from Pierre, his dad passed away yesterday.

Below is a copy/paste from a couple of messages from Pierre.

"Hi Mike,
My Mom called me yesterday to let me know of my Dad's passing yesterday, at 12:15 p.m. PST. God blessed him with 90 years and he had lead many souls to Christ during his lifetime.

The funeral will probably be on Saturday, with my younger brother, Rev. Dan Smith from Camarillo, officiating.

Dad immigrated to the USA from Rhodesia in 1961 as a missionary to the USA...can you imagine? Dan and I followed 6 months later, after my high school graduation. I was 16 1/2 and Dan was 11....two kids on a trip, half way around the world, to Plattsburgh, NY and several years later, to Needles, then Fremont, where I was drafted to serve during the Viet Nam era, in 1966.

Dad was always a preacher but worked part time, selling World Book Encyclopedias or Kirby vacuums for a living.

During the good and prosperous years in Rhodesia, when he was selling a lot of bricks from his brickyard, producing 15,000 bricks a day. He built houses on spec, joined a flying club and did solo a J-3 but that was the extent of his flying.

He was named Daniel Jacob Smith by his parents....always the names of early disciples.

The youngest of 7 kids, his older brother died exactly 2 weeks earlier.

Best,...and thanks if you can post something Mike.

Would you kindly forward this to Bob Mills as well? Thanks.



Rest In Peace, Daniel.
My condolences, Pierre. He's now enjoying his reward for running the race. Rejoice through the loss.
Condolences to Pierre. God broke the mold when he made Pierre so I'm sure he did likewise with Pierre's father.
I haven't met you, Pierre, but I do send my expression of sympathy to you and your family. My dad would have been 95 this year, but he passed away five years ago just a few months shy of his 90th birthday.

May you be blessed with many happy memories of your dad.


Don Hull

90 GREAT years of life on this earth, what a blessed man! If you need anything during this time, please let me know. We will pray for you and your family.
What a guy!


Your Father was obviously engaged fully into life.

He was also very involved in engaging others.

What a life of service and a hands on example for others.

Sorry for your loss.
My heartfelt condolences-

Pierre. You have been an inspiration in my life, just like your father was to many others. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
Sorry for your loss Pierre

I hope your family can get past the pain and celebrate a life well lived. We are thinking of you.
Sorry for your loss

Pierre, Sorry for your loss but sounds like a life that is deserving of celebration.
My condolences to you and your family as well, Pierre. If he was anything like you (and I'm sure he was, as the apple doesn't fall far from the tree), he was indeed a true gentleman.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you,

Just a very sincere Sorry for your loss. It sounds like your father was a special man and a great role model that did what he need to provide well for his family and he lived a good full life.

All the best to those that must go on without him. Our thoughts are with you.


It's clear to me from reading your posts that you are a wonderful person. I'm sure your father was the same. Many of us are thinking of you at this time.

Best Wishes,

John Thach

I'm very sorry to read about your loss. You've got my sincere condolences.

Your dad sounds like a wonderful man. You must have made him very proud.

Hang in there,

Sorry to hear about your loss and for everyone who knew your Dad.

No matter how well prepared you think you are it's still a shock.

But it is also clear he lived well...and that is a rare thing.

Glenn Wilkinson
Sorry to hear of it Pierre. 90 years of good memories sounds like a full life!! I'm sure you have many!

There is not much anyone can say at this moment that will assuage your feelings. As time goes by you will continue to remember your father and the good (and maybe some of the bad) times you had together. Those feelings of loss will diminish but will never quite go away.

Your Dad had a great innings, it is time to celebrate his life, not his passing.

I have never met you Pierre, but through this forum I have got to know you a little. My heart is with you and your family.
Thoughts are with you Pierre, and it was good talking with you today. You sounded strong and full of the belief that your Father lived a wonderful, long life!

Will be standing by to assist in any way needed out here, as I know others are as well. Safe travels out for your Dad's services, and please don't hesitate to call.

All the Best,
Thanks very much everybody.

We'll be burying him in Paradise, Ca. on Saturday afternoon...myself (The oldest), brother Dan, a pastor of the Vineyard Christian fellowship in Camarillo..(Dad always wanted at least one son to follow in his footsteps)...Leon and baby Sis Ruth. My mom, Maria, his wife of over 65 years...a loving, God-fearing companion who thought he was crazy when he decided to leave everything behind in Rhodesia...servants, houses and land and his beloved brickfield, to become a missionary to :eek::eek: America, of all places!!

A conservative by nature, he was involved in politics most of his life.

He lead dozens, if not hundreds to salvation over the years, including half a dozen more in his last year or so, at the Lifehouse Cypress care facility, in Paradise, Ca.

He lead a life by example and love for all his fellow men/women, was compassionate and loved his Saviour more than life itself. God's promise of three score and twenty was fulfilled, PLUS a bonus of 20 additional years.

He lead dozens, if not hundreds to salvation over the years, including half a dozen more in his last year or so, at the Lifehouse Cypress care facility, in Paradise, Ca.

He lead a life by example and love for all his fellow men/women, was compassionate and loved his Saviour more than life itself. God's promise of three score and twenty was fulfilled, PLUS a bonus of 20 additional years.


That's what counts, service to others. You had a great father. For sure he will be missed.
Pierre: if your father served on his life's mission with only half of the kindness to others you show around here, then his was a life well-lived. Your younger brother may have been the only one to follow in your father's vocation, but he's not the only son who serves by example. Thank you for sharing a little of your dad's wonderful life with us.

What a fine man your father was! While there may be few if any VAF members that knew your Dad, you are a shining example of what a fine man he was!
I hope you don't mind me saying that as I read your message to Mike, I did smile when reading about your Dad's work in sales! There is nothing more "Norman Rockwell" and "Americana" than a man selling World Book Encyclopedias and Kirby vacuums!!
Please accept my condolences on the passing such a great man, Pierre.
Thanks Mark.

He often used to quip, "If you can sell someone on religion, you can sell them anything!"

He was World Book top salesman of the month quite a few times, having sold a set per day, for 30 days. No small feat, knocking door-to-door.



Thanks to your father and mother for coming to the US to share the Good News. We could use more of that today.
