Well Known Member
Anybody have a picture of a Vetterman exhaust on an O-360?

I am trying to determine if what I have is Vetterman or something else.

I have a new LyCon fire breather O-360 on order and thinking about upgrading the exhaust while I am at it.

I did a search but, most of the posts were old and the pictures were from old hosting.

This is the only photo I found on my Vetterman four pipe exhaust. I’m running the standard IO-360-M1B engine. Photo taken before first flight. The plane now has ~200 wonderful hours on it - and the exhaust worked out well (as in I’d do it just like this again).

Thanks Carl, I have a 4 in to 2 now and planning same.

Hoping someone has a few pictures of the install up around the engine for a O-360 to compare.

My original, before the new cowl had a different technique of install. The pipes were routed through the cowl with glassed cheeks on the bottom for the pipes to exit, leaving the tunnel completely empty.

I have a new cowl now and the pipes are routed through there, but the go in at an angle and the exhaust sort of point at one another. I don't think this is as efficient as it could be. Thus the reason for pursuing a new set up.
Vetterman exhaust picture on my IO-360. Individual stacks.


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