
Thanks John,

Neat to see the A/P on the panel and I thought the little logo on the panel looked good as well. I wonder if you have to have all the logos on to pass the ELSA test...hahaha.
Hey Pete

I hope they do provide one for the dash. I like it there. I'd guess they will be an option for $'s.

John Bender
Thanks for the pictures. Almost like being there. Not! Wished I could have gone, but unable this year. Still trying to finish my hanger door so I can keep out the bugs and old man winter.
Going to be moving the fuse out of the basement as it is becoming too large to extricate through the bulkhead door.
While you've been away, I guess I've passed you on assembly steps.
Hope your trip was good coming home.

Art Pennanen
Hey John

Did you go to Osh? If so, what did they say about the glass fuel piece and how long before the powerplant? By the way, if you haven't done the ELT yet, follow the Artex instructions. Van's has us connecting a blue GPS wire that doesn't the red and black ones by the ELT need to be grounded to the plane. I agree about the dash logo...looks cool.
Hey Pete

Yes, was at OSH Monday & Tuesday. More walking than I have done in a while - NO riding. Was told 2 weeks or so before engine kit released, so maybe next week. Nothing on the fuel tank window yet. Back to waiting again. Met I think 6 '12' builders during the 2 days. Was good to see it without the hood on. That is what I wanted to see most anyway, so I was happy.

John Bender
Knob right of the mapbox??


Thanks for posting nice updated panel pictures. Van's has made a number of changes to the panel since N412RV was introduced at SNF last year.

Do you know what the knob to the right of the mapbox is? This is the only item I could not identify and did not recall seeing in previous pictures.

Also- any update on when the lighting option would be released? The current RVator talks about what they are planning to use so it must be getting close.
PTT for right seat

Hmm- strange because the kits have the PTT for the right seat in the yoke. However, looking at the pictures, it is not in the yoke for N412RV. Wonder why?!?!?
Hmm- strange because the kits have the PTT for the right seat in the yoke. However, looking at the pictures, it is not in the yoke for N412RV. Wonder why?!?!?

Because Giddy demo-ride passengers that are out of control with excitement have a tenancy to be ham fisted on the stick and not even know they are holding down the PTT (push to transmit) button.