don rv6

I'm New Here
I am not an A&P
I have a dual light ignition and a picture is worth a thousand words
does anyone have advice and/or pictures of their instalation
I am working an an rv6 ECI IO360-constant speed
don rv6
Welcome !!!!

Hey Don, finally figured out how to post huh???:D

Seriously, a better way might be to ask for an EAA tech consulor to visit your project.

You list "FWA" as your location-------where are you???

Mine are between the panel-to-firewall ribs. The forward rail is the stiffener on the firewall and the aft rail is made from angle that is on the bottom of the ribs. Now that I've closed the forward top skin, I see that I could have planned a bit better. As the pictures show, the mounting screws are top-down; I'd reverse that so they are accessible from the bottom. I'd also fabricate two rails instead of co-opting the firewall angle and rotate the units 90 degrees so that the ignition leads face the firewall and the input/output connectors face aft. That'd make it a lot easier to service. 20/20 hindsight. But I am pleased with the general location of the boxes.