Rainier Lamers

Well Known Member
Here is a quick picture taken on my desk of an Odyssey powered by the new MGL graphics processor. This picture is not in any way photoshopped. Picture resolution has been reduced a bit to make it fit, introducing a few sampling artifacts that don't exist on the real instrument. The picture does not do the real thing any justice so, if you are lucky enough to make it to Osh this year, do give us a visit to see for yourself.


This is one of the demo screens we made up for Osh. As before, you are free to make up your own screens, just as before...

CEO MGL Avionics
Holy cow! That thing looks even better than I had anticipated! I hope it's not too premature to ask, but is the pricing available yet?

One request, if I may (I can always ask!)...could you make that screen available for those of us who already have a Voyager/Odyssey? I like it, and would rather not recreate it if possible! :D
Holy cow! That thing looks even better than I had anticipated! I hope it's not too premature to ask, but is the pricing available yet?

I don't think price will change.
Yes, there will be an upgrade kit so existing Odyssey and Voyagers can use all of the new functions/displays. No, it will not be very expensive. The kit consists of the new CPU board which is a simple plug and play (out with the old, in with the new) plus, if desired, a small PCB has to be fitted to the rear panel. This carries the connectors for the four video inputs and the video output (VGA compatible 15 pin connector).
Unless you are handy with this kind of thing my advise would be to leave it to the local distributors to do it for you.

One request, if I may (I can always ask!)...could you make that screen available for those of us who already have a Voyager/Odyssey? I like it, and would rather not recreate it if possible! :D

Yes, of course - but this screen does need the CPU upgrade, it will not work on the current CPU.


Give us a link to an uncompressed full res bitmap.......

I will do but please give me until Osh starts (which will give me a bit of time hopefully). I need to brush up on my photographic skills on this one, it's not so easy to take a good photo of this LCD screen. Looks like I need to make at least two - one with the display off (so I can capture the instrument with a good exposure) and then one with a really short exposure of the LCD on - the frame rate is so fast it is causing trouble with my camera so I need to stage it a bit and freeze the image on the screen before taking a photo. Once that looks good I will have to merge the two images to get something that approaches real life.
Until Osh starts I don't have the time and am working flat out to get everything together, but I promise I will do some nice pics after that - also some other screens showing off the video...

CEO MGL Avionics


That is truly amazing! Congratulations on another superb advancement.
As one of your OEM dealers and installers, we love seeing this new stuff come down the pipes. Every time we turn around, you're making it better and better. Keep up the great work!
Keep up the great work!

Don't worry - I'm not about to go anywhere (well, a nice holiday would be welcome, just a week would do...).

Yes, things are happening in leaps and bounds all over the place here. I'm starting to wonder just what we will have for next years Osh ?
Developing this stuff is great fun...

CEO MGL Avionics
I would like to add my WOW as well

The new instruments using the MGL168 system will be known as Odyssey II, Voyager II and hopefully soon, Explorer.
The MGL168 hardware is currently in production but it looks like the XMas shutdown here in the Southern Hemisphere may push the bulk of the releases into January, but a few may be released earlier.

I have not put ANY information on our website or released more information or photos as the software that is running on the MGL168 is now being written. While largely based on the Odyssey software there are significant differences that affect the way things look and to some extent operate. As this is not finished I don't yet know exactly what the final result will look like (but I have good idea :))
The images shown at Oshkosh where a quick hack, the real thing is coming together now.

We do now know that pricing will not be affected and due to this the current systems using the MGL152 hardware will no longer be produced (we considered keeping these systems as lower cost options but the difference is too small to make that worth while).

Any existing Odyssey or Voyager system can be fully upgraded to the new MGL168 at very reasonable cost by the appointed distributors, either with or without the video input and output capabilities of the new system.

Software development of the MGL152 system continues as normal and there will be a new release this week.
Once the MGL168 software is finished, I expect that some of the newer functions will be ported to the MGL152 systems.

CEO MGL Avionics
Very nice products, Rainier..

...but one of your South African compatriots has a concern. Have these products proven themselves under hard IFR to minimums? Any references?

Thanks in advance,
...but one of your South African compatriots has a concern. Have these products proven themselves under hard IFR to minimums? Any references?

Thanks in advance,

Two Voyagers recently flew in the Sling around the World. They where the only instuments apart from a storm scope that did not work well and a SL30. Just before that a GP-4 flew with a Voyager/G430 combo to break the Cape Town -> London -> Cape Town record (which, if I am correctly informed will now we attempted again by a new challenger using an RV-7 fitted with a Garmin G1000 - like you can afford all that weight !).
Both flights had plenty IMC and a good dose of IFR.

With numbers of these instruments creaping steadily towards the 2000 barrier there will be many more, no doubt.
But - we are the last to be told, usualy :). We only get told about these things if something does not work.

Even the little Enigma is regulary used for IFR training flights here (usualy in combo with a SL30).

CEO MGL Avionics