
Well Known Member
We departed 3/12 for a x-country trip from NYC to Austin, Texas for the SXSW conference and then to Exuma, Bahamas.

The weather on departure blocked us from a direct route, so we took a due west heading and went around a huge system that eventually swallowed the entire East Coast and New England, a few days later.

Lots of IMC time and photos/videos of our trip below. We'll keep posting with updates of the flight and new experiences during the trip.

More pics here





We made it from Austin, TX to New Orleans now. Had a super memorable (safe) night IMC take off from Texas and then over the cloud layer for a moonlit cruise portion of the flight. Shooting stars over head in the big Texas sky.

Im looking forward to sharing all the 4K video footage we are getting, but the laptop/mobile situation can't handle it! Video will have to wait for the Mac tower back in nyc.

We made it to Exuma! Incredible journey and the #1 reason to have your pilot's license.

It was our first time here, and the customs and ocean crossing were no problem. I will post more details later. Must get off the computer and enjoy this special place!

Ill post more pictures, videos and info on flying in the Bahamas soon. Some screen grabs over Bimini below and more pics on the site



Flying to the Exuma Cays, has been one of the most exciting and rewarding trips yet, becoming a pilot. Hopping between islands with good weather and the freedom to explore something new each day, is really deep in the dna of the pilot spirit.

This trip has been incredible. The last few days we based ourselves on the big island of Exuma near Georgetown, which had great line service for 100LL, a nice fbo and our beach home. Each day we'd drive ourselves over to the airport, preflight, jump in the plane for a nice flight to a new island and small landing strip. We tried Little Farmer's Cay (2500'x75') and saw the landing strips for Rudder Cut Cay, Cove Cay, Staniel Cay, Norman's Cay, all the super private ones and it goes on and on.

We love this place and today we are off to Eleuthera for the pink beaches and then home to USA.

Some pics below of the landing at Little Farmer's, the swimming pigs at Staniel Cay, the nurse sharks at Compass Cay, diving for conch and then eating it ceviche style on the boat. We also saw the Rock Iguanas on Leaf Cay and swimming to the Thunderball Grotto. There's a lot more but.. I should really get off the computer now!

See more images here and full report later in the week!









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We made it back to USA, and no problem at all with the flight or customs. We cleared in Ft Lauderdale Executive because it stayed open later in the evening than Stuart (KFXE has a 9pm curfew, others in the area go till Midnight too). Ill post more flight details soon.

Our flight home was to fly up the Exuma Cays and take pictures/video, then climb to 10.5 and cross to Eleuthera, to see the Harbour Island beaches.

We found this strip of amazing colors in the ocean that I will post more on the site here. Really incredible

