
To all the guys now buildilng -3Bs:
Putting up a web site to document your project takes a bit more time and software skill than most guys are willing to devote. You can however put up a simple picture album on one of the free sites with very little effort. Tony Spicer just did it for his nearly complete RV-3B which can be found here. For the benefit of each other, and to enable you to better get help with problem areas (show us a pic of it), I'd like to suggest that you conisder doing such a photo album for your projects. I can then link them on the "Community" page of my "Unofficial RV-3 HQ" site.

So c'mon Tony and Jon, we want to see what you're doing, here's the Picassa link... Picassa by Google. Let me know when you get something up and I'll put a link for you on the Community page.