Well Known Member
I had the opportunity to help out with the 37 ship RV formation. It was an experience that I will never forget for the rest of my life. I met a lot of nice people and families. By the time I left SQI with all of them to OSH I had many friends. My picture link has pictures of my OSH trip. Many of them are of the time in SQI. I hope you enjoy the very different view of the formation. I will keep adding pics to my file. Please remember that depending on the angle where I was in relation to the formation, may cause optical illusions.

Great photos! I wish I had been there to see it in person. Thanks for the post.
Absolutely great pictures! I loved the high speed pics of the joining of the two smaller groups. Thanks for doing this.

Leaving for OSH tomorrow.

although I was not there it sure feels like it.... Thanks for the Great photos...Now I'm going back out to the shop to brave the 104 degrees in there to pound more rivets...

If you liked those photos, check the additional ones on my link. These are awesome!

A cross over right before arriving at OSH on Sunday.

Welcome to OSH

Don Oberlander-RV 8

Hi Axel, Couldn't help but notice the really nice rear view mirrors in your cockpit. Was wondering where you got them? Have tried Autozone and other car places, but all they have is something about 30% smaller & not very good reflective capabilitys.

Let me give you my Email, because I don't know how I would find you again if you answer. [email protected]

Many Thanks.
37 ship stuff

Thx. a bunch for all your help Axel...I was part of this great group & the pix. are still stunning even after being there up close. We had a ball & are happily home winding down. Red.
Great photo's

As the 37 planes in formation cross over the field at OSH on Sunday I was eating my lunch on the west side and it made me smile and stand straight up. I said out loud, there are some of the best pilots and builders in the country. Great job. Thanks for the memories and the photo's.;)

I started walking to the RV area and the guys and gals came in off the runway right behind each other, you could tell they all had the RV grin and were all very happy to be at OSH. "What a great time, thanks."

Captain OH MY CAPTAIN!!!

Fantastic pic's 37 ships. Only a Vans gang could pull this off! It looks like a big smile in one of the pictures! At ARLINGTON the BLACK JACKS do formation and I duley appreciate all pilots whom do the formation flying and maybe I'll be there TOO with my 9A. You know the MOM & POP airplane!

Nice Pictures....

Axel, I met you talking with JJ at his RV4. You did a great job on the pictures. Nice to meet you.

You are a gentleman and a scholar. It's hard to imagine the SQI clinic without all your hard work. You are solid citizen in my book

Here is a link to my images of the SQI-OSH experience. All in all 24.3 hours in the air. Lots of new friends, lots of learning. Almost too much to cram into one week.
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Hi Axel, Couldn't help but notice the really nice rear view mirrors in your cockpit. Was wondering where you got them?

That is not my -8. My RV is still "in the shop". That RV-8 belongs to my friend David Klages. I asked him where he got the mirrors and he told me at NAPA.
Great pics! that is a great perspective on the formation.

Those guys & gals did a great job. People on the ground were in awe!
Axel, I was there several days and you guys should know that every time you performed people would stop and look up! Whatever they were doing, they just stopped and the heads went up. It was truely an impressive sight and sound, wish I had the skills to join you guys. You made all us RV pilots feel good. Thanks.
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Just to clarify. I was just the guy in the back (GIB) with a camera. Those guys did all the work. I was just able to unexpectedly participate with some of the flying.


You did good. All 37 of us appreciate your efforts. Now get back to work on your kit so you can join us next time! Yeah baby!

Carry on!

You did good. All 37 of us appreciate your efforts. Now get back to work on your kit so you can join us next time! Yeah baby!

Carry on!

Yeah Axel,
Quit basking in all the limelight and get to pounding and doing whatever else you need done.
It was great meeting you and getting to know you at SQI and OSH.
Thanks again for all your help.
tks from downunder

from those of us in Australia we appreciate and salivate at hose great pix