
Well Known Member
Can somebody point me toward a pic of plug wire routing? Particularly the lower mag wires near the plugs. Thanks.
I see you are using the Superior engine. Just a note on this...The installation manual that came with my Superior XP 360 has a diagram of the plug wires from each mag to the appropriate spark plug. THE DRAWING IS WRONG!!

I had called Superior with my delima in attempting to follow their diagram. They wrote back saying the diagram was wrong, and to just follow the stamped markings on the spark plug caps. Hope you did not fall into that trap...
Superior ignition wireing

Thanks Noel. I was very concerned about following the drawing in the Superior manual. I did not see the magneto cap markings. Will check in the morning. I really appreciate this post.

By the way, some of my local pilots have expressed concern regarding the prop bolt bushings. After the starter ring is installed on my Superior, only a short amount sticks out into the prop hub (I think only about 1/8"). It could go about another 1/4" (I have to recheck my engine to make sure the figures are right). I understand I could purchase longer bolt bushings.

I discussed this with Superior and they say that the bushings on my engine are what they use and are OK.

Have you noticed this?
FWIW...I made a copy of the "bad" drawing, and using "old school" typewriter white-out, eliminated the sections of bad wiring. I next redrew the plug wires showing the correct routing. The final step was to photo-copy this drawing (with the caption as corrected) and place in the Superior manual. At the time, Superior knew about the wrong drawing. I had asked for a corrected drawing, but was told that "engineering" had not committed to making a corrected drawing.

As for bolt length...I am having trouble visualizing what you are describing. I am using a Sen. Fixed Pitch metal prop and the Sen. spinner option + Van's prop spacer. When I put a prop bolt through all of that hardware, the exposed bolt threads are long enough to completely engage the the prop flange threaded insert.
As for bolt length...I am having trouble visualizing what you are describing. I am using a Sen. Fixed Pitch metal prop and the Sen. spinner option + Van's prop spacer. When I put a prop bolt through all of that hardware, the exposed bolt threads are long enough to completely engage the the prop flange threaded insert.

Actually I was talking about the length of the bushing the bolt threads into and the length of the bushing and the amount the bushing goes into the prop hub. My prop bushing only goes into the prop hub about 1/8" and the prop hub could take another 1/4".

It may be different with a fixed pitch prop since I have a constant speed prop.
About 0.15 inch....

As for bolt length...I am having trouble visualizing what you are describing. I am using a Sen. Fixed Pitch metal prop and the Sen. spinner option + Van's prop spacer. When I put a prop bolt through all of that hardware, the exposed bolt threads are long enough to completely engage the the prop flange threaded insert.

Actually I was talking about the length of the bushing the bolt threads into and the length of the bushing and the amount the bushing goes into the prop hub. My prop bushing only goes into the prop hub about 1/8" and the prop hub could take another 1/4".

It may be different with a fixed pitch prop since I have a constant speed prop. the exposed part of the bushing.

This Lycoming SI details the bushing lengths....

....and you have to subtract the prop flange thinckness and the flywheel thickness (0.250 inch IIRC) from the bushing length given at the end of the SI.

This can be a big problem if a spinner bulkhead is also included in the stack up mentioned above, reducing the dimension to around 0.080, and some of that amount is reduced further by the bevel at the end of the bushing.

If you want more "drive" dimension, then you can replace the two shorter bushings with ones longer than the other four... or make them all longer like an O-360-A4A

gil A - just put two longer bushings on my Tiger per a prop STC option...