
Well Known Member
After 2 1/2 years of listening to "when are you going to paint it," I finally broke down. I've been saving my pennies for a paint job (no aptitude for doing it myself) for a couple of years, so I took the hammer to the piggy bank. Here's a pic of the results:


Pretty nice, huh?
Here's a close up to see the intricate detail...


At least she liked the colors...see that smile?


Unpainted for a couple more years...
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Yikes !!!!!!

BIG mistake....... :eek:

Now she knows you can spend the ''hard earned'' on HER - bye bye paint job :rolleyes:

And then come the ''Little people'' who help you get through even more money ;)

PLUS you then need a bigger plane - 10

Will she give it back ? :confused:

Personally not having decided on my own paint scheme (probably sometime around 2020 - see signature) I really like the polished silver look - couldn't you just buy some silver paint for the white bits ;)
Good one!

Jeff, That's got to be the funniest post I've read in a long time! Well done!
Its about time you got hitched. You've been having WAY too much fun lately. Time for you to suffer along with the rest of us!

Seriously tho..Congrats Jeff. Guess you better forget that paint job and concentrate on saving up for the -10. Family plane you know..... :D

Best Regards,
Now thats a paint job that'll last forever... However it may tend to need more washing and waxing to maintain that new paint luster ;) I guess the coolest thing about it is, it can repay the favor in the years to come.

Congrats Jeff! That was a great post! Nice rock, and sweet air to air shot of the two of you in full smiles! That's what it's all about. Have fun!
Jeff, your a riot. Also, I think you should post a close up of your sticker for others to enjoy! Later pal.
Nice Paint Job

One of the nicest paint jobs I've seen,
QUOTE=sprucemoose]After 2 1/2 years of listening to "when are you going to paint it," I finally broke down. I've been saving my pennies for a paint job (no aptitude for doing it myself) for a couple of years, so I took the hammer to the piggy bank. Here's a pic of the results:


Pretty nice, huh?
Here's a close up to see the intricate detail...


At least she liked the colors...see that smile?


Unpainted for a couple more years...[/QUOTE]

HA! Great post and congrats!

I just hope my wife doesn't see this, or she will want some sort of gift. I can hear it now, "He built an airplane and bought her a ring, what am I going to get?" :D Actually, today is our 5 yr anniversary, so I better run out now and get a card and a gift or to the dog house I go... thanks for reminding me... I owe you one. ;)

PS - That plane sure does look sexy with that 3-bladed prop.
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gbrasch said:
Jeff, your a riot. Also, I think you should post a close up of your sticker for others to enjoy! Later pal.
OK, here's a closer shot. If I pile it up, you'll know what to do with it.

Congrats, Jeff. She'll be worth it in the long run. Hey!! Since I painted my airplane, does Rich owe me a diamond ring?

Congrats but I just want to know something.

Since women are supposed to be very good at detail work, can't you talk her into painting (and sanding) it for you? I think she owes you that now that you have given her a chunk of carbon.
I'd like the diamond, too!! Tools are fine, building is fun, flying is better, furs are nice, clothes are neat, Rich did buy me a Rolex with diamonds (love it), but diamonds are a girls best friend. :D I'm sure she could at least help paint the plane.

Jeff and all you other unusual plane part purchasers!

And I thought I was the only one that had to pay the price in honey do to at some point getter (RV7A) done $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ wise.

Jeff, great post and yes the plane, ring, and smiles all around are great!

Frank @ SGU RV7A "NDY" wiring/plumbing the pool or is that the plane ?

A much better investment...As long as se like your airplane of course.

I have never been so happy as the day my beautiful bride agreed to become my Wife.

And she did let me build the airplane...:)

Congrats again!

Frank #2..7a