
Chief Obfuscation Officer
Maybe this is old news, but I thought some of you might find this interesting or useful...

Google has released a new feature (in beta) for their Picasa photo management software, called Picasa Web Albums. I allows you to upload albums of pictures directly from the Picasa software storing and sharing them online. They give you 250MB free but you can buy 6GB for $25 a year. I downloaded the newest version of Picasa (beta) and tried it out... the web album feature is pretty cool and very easy to use. As an example, I have uploaded the pictures I took during a SportAir workshop last year as a public album which you can test drive here. You can navigate through individual pictures or even launch a pretty slick slide show feature.

EDIT: I should have said so earlier, but more info can be found here... http://picasaweb.google.com/
Please note, this new feature is only available in the new beta version of Picasa, not the current public release, and is available only to those with a Gmail account. If you do not have a gmail account and want one, you can sign up by mobile phone, or PM me and I will send you an invitation.
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And.... If have a blog on say blogger.com you can use Picasa to upload pictures directly to your blog. I've used in the past - it works pretty slick.
