
Well Known Member
Hi out there!

Okay, this question may sound a little bit stupid, but once you start having doubts about something it will eventually drive you crazy. So here it is.

Am i suppossed to cut the frontseat hinge and the backseat hinge out of this 6 ft long AN257 piano hinge piece that comes with the fuselage kit or is this hinge for something else and you better do not cut it?

I didn't find anything about it neither in the plans nor in the manual.

Problem is: i live in germany, so doing it wrong will result in excessive shipping cost for the new 6 ft piece.

Right now i am more "cut it!" minded!

I can't recall ...

...the answer to your exact question, sorry. But do want to warn you that the seat hinges have to be exactly placed. The canopy clearance at the outside edge of the upper seat backs is VERY tight. If you're off by 1/4", it often requires grinding and modifying to fit. At that early build point, I didn't see how or why those measurements needed a lot of precision ...they seemed non-critical. I didn't find out until the first time I closed my T/U canopy. :mad:
Piano hinge

The hinge is for the seat backs , and front baggage door . On the 8 the seats are centered in the fuselage not side by side . With expensive shipping consider some extra materials in your next order .
Decission made!

Thank u all!

I am convinced enough know!
I go ahead and cut it!

The hinges for the cowling are somewhat bigger and are part of the finishing kit.

You all Enjoy the rest of your sunday!


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When cutting a part out of Van's stock material, I (almost) always use the simple rule of cutting it out of the shortest piece of raw stock that I have on hand (that will be long enough for the part). This preserves long stock as long as possible, and prevents me from needing to order a new LONG piece if I mess up. This works for hinge, angle, sheet - whatever.