Ron B.

Well Known Member
Purchased a length of extruded piano hinge from ACS, MS20001P5, for a rudder trim hinge. I find there is as much slack in it as the regular MS20257P type hinge. I'm concerned as to what effect this slack will have on our RV-10 rudder and it's trim. I don't know much about flutter other than things must be kept tight. We plan to follow Van's specifications for the remainder of the construction for flutter protection. Van's does not have a rudder trim and this is about all that we are varing from for our project.
Thanks Ron
Thanks Chris
This is just what we were thinking of doing. I thought we would try to drill but a reamer would work much better. Our hinge is only five or six inches long so it shouldn't be too difficult to ream. I'll have to order a reamer and find a SS welding rod.
Thanks again Ron
Got a piece of SS. welding rod today it is .0925" and it fit perfectly in my hinge without reaming. Good and tight now and pin slid OK. Very pleased with trim tab know, good and solid. The original pin was .0875".
Thanks again for the tip, Ron