
Well Known Member
Hi Guys

My wife Anne-Marie finally culled our 2000 plus trip photos down to something more manageable. The trip resulted in 9.5 hours of flying and a distance of about 1400nm covered over our Australia Day long weekend holiday, basically we were away Friday to Tuesday.

We got really lucky with the weather and missed the huge storms that battered Sydney that weekend.

Hope you enjoy.

These are probably best viewed if you install the Google+ app first, but see how you go...


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Hi Eddie,
Great photos, wow over 400+, I have had time to look at them all so far.
Just a question, Had you flown over such an amount of sea before ? How long did it take from the southern tip of VIC, to get to TAS ?
That is a trip I would like to do some day myself.
Hi Jamie,

This was our first over water trip of this length, at Wilsons Promontory we contact Melbourne Center for over water SKEDS, at 15 min intervals, its nice to have big brother looking after you.

The first hop after leaving Wilsons Promontory is to Deal Island which takes about 15 minutes, the second section across to Flinders Island takes about 20 minutes, we did ware life jackets as is recommend in ERSA, there is a section that details what you need to do.

At 5500ft you can see islands either underneath you or off in the distance the whole time.

From Flinders Island its a short 15 min hop via Cape Barron and Clark Islands across to Tasmania, I had never been to Tasmania before and the small amount that we saw of the top of Tasmania was just beautiful, we want to go back!!!

Now . . . That's . . .

Now . . . That?s a Slide Show!!! Thank You, Eddie and Anne-Marie. A Magic Carpet over Oz!

I enjoyed seeing the stars of the show (#120 & 228)! Nice Shots.

Beautiful Airplane (#383)

Outstanding Photo (#373)

As a nosegear guy, the ?crash? pictures starting at #168 made me feel a little creepy!

Thanks Again for a Wonderful Trip!
Hey Bill your more than welcome.

We had heard about this aircraft hitting a tree at the end of the strip during a landing mishap, the aircraft had been disassembled in preparation for it to be shipped back to Victoria and had been moved off the strip behind some trees so as not to distract other landing aircraft.

We where interested in seeing if the crash site was recognizable and if the aircraft was still there.

On the up side nothing but pride was injured in the accident.
