vernon smith

Well Known Member
As we all know, Photobucket has changed their usage to limited availability. You can wait for that to change which is unlikely or try to end run them for as long as you can. There are apps, or more accurately called browser add ins, that provide a work around that effectively fools the Photobucket software into thinking you are sharing your picture with aunt Nellie instead of your million devotees on the Van?s forum.

This is a short-term fix; the Silicon Valley snow flakes will soon figure out how to counter these work arounds. The only real solution is your own cloud server location which you can selectively allow folks to access at your discretion. These are available from Google, Microsoft and a couple thousand other folks.

I have posted on this before and a search on the topic should bring up my explanation of how easy it is to go private.

Below is a link to the app (add in) provider for the Firefox (Mozilla) browser. I?m certain these are available for all the other favored browsers.
Test picture:

It worked though it took a couple tries to get into the photo album.
I checked one of my old posts where I embedded a Photobucket photo. Photo shows up again!
my test pic

here is my test image with the workaround....i cant figure out how to make my image smaller though....
This work around should be a sticky at the top of the form welcome page but there seems to be a systemic aversion to pictures for some reason. As previously stated, all this is temporary, those that want to post pictures to forum or any multi user forum or blog will have to do their own hosting which is no big deal. Believe me, figuring out the electrical wiring schematics for most any airplane is a multitude of difficulty above getting a hosting service and learning how to properly size pictures.

Below is the write up I did several months ago on picture resizing as well as a link to the thread it appeared in. I suggest you look through the entire topic because it will give you a much better grasp on the subject.

If you are using Windows I suggest you simply use Microsoft Paint. It’s in the MS accessories section with calculator, notepad, etc., works every time and will not crash. Looking at the image below, Paint will resize while maintaining the width to height relationship automatically. Just put 900 in the top box (under the maroon oval) replacing whatever is there and the bottom box automatically sets the correct relationship. The pixel numbers you will see when you open up the function will be the native (existing) photo size. In this case 640/ 480. If they are smaller than 900 insert the image as it is. Looking at the icon under the black oval shows the place to start resizing, the maroon oval on the right shows the pixels setting which is what you want to be using, not percentage.

Paint also has a crop function (above the black oval) that is real handy to cut out the part of an image you want without having to deal with everything. Click on "select" to the left of the black oval and select rectangular, "crop" will activate. Put your cursor at a position that represents the top left corner of the image portion you want-left click and hold-drag to the bottom right of the area you want and release. Now go up to "crop" and click on it, the area outside of your selection box should disappear. This takes a little practice. There are "do" and "Undo" icons in the top left corner, you will be using them a lot until you get it all figures out.

Depending on how much you want to wow your forum friends you can mark up your pictures with all kinds of custom graphics. At the top, you will see lots of shapes, select one of them-put your cursor anywhere in the picture-left click and hold- drag the cursor right and down-vuala! You can change the color of your circle or oval by clicking on any of the available colors. You are now a forum Rembrandt

Here is a link the entire page for the relevant topic.
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