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Well Known Member
I'm finding that people's Photobucket pics are not showing up and the message in place of the picture says to update the account to allow third party sharing. Is there a way to fix this from my end or is it really a matter of being a broken link?

[ed. I switched to $3.99/mo for unlimited photos/videos. v/r,dr]
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Whoever owns the photobucket account that posted the pics has to subscribe to one of the new photobucket plans to fix it .. nothing you can do about it ..
Photobucket shafted us all (all those that used the site as a host for forum pictures for years) by changing their policy and requiring an unreasonable (in my view) amount of $'s to continue hosting photos.
No 'grandfather' clause. :mad:

Everything posted using Photobucket as a host went dead.

It is not you....

It's odd cause my photos still show-up, while others' clearly don't. I have the usual, standard what was free account. I'm sure they'll catch-up with me eventually.
That's too bad. Thanks for letting me know. Vic had some pictures posted about some problems on tailcones that I wanted to see. :(
I think all the free photo parking sites will be forcing users to pay a monthly fee in the near future. It's become a saturated market so enduring the endless adds while you use the site is not paying the bills for them any more. I posted an alternative that will literally set you free. It is not free but once done you are the master of your photo fate so to speak. If you want your photos to be available after your demise you will have to arrange for a trustee to make the annual payments to the host in perpetuity :D

If you happen to have a web site for business purposes or a blog for your build then use that, it's all the same.
I found this advice on another forum I visit, and the solution worked for me and takes less than a minute, so I thought I'd share it here.

I don't know if this was posted already, but I stumbled across a post on a forum yesterday and found it worked for me.

Quite a few of us used Photobucket to post photos all over the Internet on our favorite forums...and when they converted over to being a pay service, we got that dreaded box below demanding $399 a year to continue using their service.

In a previous post, it stated that there are a few browser extensions that reverse this issue and allow the pictures to be viewed again.

If you're using Google Chrome like I do, go to the three dots on the right side of the screen and click them. A drop down should appear. Hover your mouse over "More Tools," and when the next drop down appears, slide over and click on "Extensions". Go to the link towards the bottom that says "Get more extensions." In the search box, type "Photobucket Fix," and hit Enter. Three versions of this service appear...I chose the first one. Click the install button and once it's done, you should be able to see Photobucket pictures again on the forums where you saw the dreaded box.

For FireFox users, click on the three bars on the right side of the screen, then click on "Add Ons". Click search for "Photobucket hotlink" and click Install. Same result.

Hope this helps...
I set up the Firefox add on tonight and the blanked out photos were visible. I'm sure the geeks at photo bucket will soon find a counter measure :)
I don't know if this was posted already, but I stumbled across a post on a forum yesterday and found it worked for me.

Quite a few of us used Photobucket to post photos all over the Internet on our favorite forums...and when they converted over to being a pay service, we got that dreaded box below demanding $399 a year to continue using their service.

In a previous post, it stated that there are a few browser extensions that reverse this issue and allow the pictures to be viewed again.

If you're using Google Chrome like I do, go to the three dots on the right side of the screen and click them. A drop down should appear. Hover your mouse over "More Tools," and when the next drop down appears, slide over and click on "Extensions". Go to the link towards the bottom that says "Get more extensions." In the search box, type "Photobucket Fix," and hit Enter. Three versions of this service appear...I chose the first one. Click the install button and once it's done, you should be able to see Photobucket pictures again on the forums where you saw the dreaded box.

For FireFox users, click on the three bars on the right side of the screen, then click on "Add Ons". Click search for "Photobucket hotlink" and click Install. Same result.

Hope this helps...

I use Firefox and this worked for me....I thought all my old posts were ruined due to the Photobucket blackmail. thanks for the tip.
[ed. I switched to $3.99/mo for unlimited photos/videos. v/r,dr]

Doug, that's just peachy. Do we assume you're not going to move toward providing a permanent home for VAF photo posting?

Can't you make money hosting photos at $3.99 a month?
Doug, that's just peachy. Do we assume you're not going to move toward providing a permanent home for VAF photo posting?

Can't you make money hosting photos at $3.99 a month?

I've offered to help Doug move to a more modern forum setup and the offer still stands. I'm sure Doug has his reasons and he's not obligated to tell us why, it's a privilege to use his forum and I'm very thankful that it exists.

The #1 reason to host images with the forum is to preserve the knowledge; an information archive. There is soooooooooooooo much visual information lost when people close their hosting accounts or the hosting site goes belly up or or does what photobucket has done. It's really sad.

For a subscription based VAF I think $10 per month would be more inline. Maybe free to view but to post you have to be a subscriber. Pennies for access to the absolute priceless help you get from fellow VAF members, this is a must-have resource. I would pay it happily.
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Photobucket fix security issue?

Following the instructions above to add an extension to Chrome to allow access to these blocked photos, a warning pops up before installation that by doing so "It can read and change data on all the websites you visit". That does not sound good, so I aborted the install. Is there a security issue here? Is this "fix" being offered creating a security issue?

Agreed that loss of these photos is a substantial loss for the site. While no company is obligated to offer free hosting, Photobucket's strategy of offering hosting free to users, then withdrawing the service and demanding money to reinstate it is abusive. I would never use them, or pay them money for that reason alone.
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