
Well Known Member

As some of you know, I offer graphics, tailwheels, and other pilot goodies. I am working on expanding my product line to include several new lines to be formally announced later.

What I'm looking for right now are RV photos that would be suitable (high res. is best) to make a graphic from. Specifically, I need air to air shots of your RV in front of a sunset, a nice cloud, or other good looking shot. The photos will be used to make rear window graphics to stick in your vehicle window.

The winner(s) will receive a free copy of the graphic to make it worth their time. In return I get to make the photo famous by putting it on vehicles all around the world. I'd love to get a great shot of each RV type. Of course, I'd also give credit to the owners on the webpage where the graphics are offered.

Here's an example of the type of photo I'm looking for:

Please submit entries to [email protected] There is NO time limit for this contest, but the sooner you send a great shot the sooner I can get the rest of the work started. You can even send photos months from now and I will consider them.

photos needed

So far, I've got 2 great shots. One of an RV-8 from Doug Reeves and one of a Cessna 140. Keep 'em coming. I sure would like to be able to offer each model of RV.

If nothing else, this gives you an excuse to go flying.

I might have some submissions later on tonight...

Can we put them up here, or just email them to you??
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Motivational photos

Great Photos Allen & Christopher
Had a chance to see your beautiful 468AC up close this year at Osh and it was one of the few RV's that my wife really liked. "You should build it just like this one, take a picture" she said. Believe me that's a lot coming from her about anything aviation.;)
She doesn't even look up from her book at the P-51's making low passes and can't understand why I get goosebumps even with my eyes closed.
The photo's over Chicago are awesome. A lot of RV builder motivation there.:D
Great Photos Allen & Christopher
Had a chance to see your beautiful 468AC up close this year at Osh and it was one of the few RV's that my wife really liked. "You should build it just like this one, take a picture" she said. Believe me that's a lot coming from her about anything aviation.;)
She doesn't even look up from her book at the P-51's making low passes and can't understand why I get goosebumps even with my eyes closed.
The photo's over Chicago are awesome. A lot of RV builder motivation there.:D

Thanks :eek:

I hope we got to everyone that left notes on our plane at OSH this year.

Keep building it's worth it!