
Active Member
Well I first just chalked it up to my reversing the connections so that switch #1 turned on pump #2. But even then I noticed that the engine would not run unless both pumps were switched on. Corrected the connections so 1 goes to pump 1 and 2 to 2, but turns out that the main pump will run but it never shows any presure. #2 the aux pump, shows 44 psi. Pulled the whole thing out and shipped both pumps to Lockwood. Now just watch my registration come back and rather than being ready for a DAR I'll be waiting on my fuel pumps.
I am helping a RV12iS owner that had fuel pump problems; the #2 pump quit 30 hr. after being replaced I/A/W Rotax ASB-912-I-011 iS R1. We sent the pump assembly to Lockwood and they said both pumps have to be replaced because the pumps we have are no longer approved. I hope the new pumps are not sitting in a ship waiting to be unloaded. We feel the pain.