
Well Known Member
I was wondering what those of you that have finished with the tailcone did with a couple of wires. First the phone cable, do you go through the right bulkhead hole where the two white wires 1037/1038 come through, or leave it on the aft side of the bulkhead. I asked Van's and they weren't sure since the fuselage kit hasn't been released yet. The reference page is 10-26. Also once all of the wires are run in section 10, did you tighten the cable ties on the same side as the phone cable? The plans say it is the left side, but Van's seemed to think it was a misprint and that is actually the right side.
Stoney, if you look here at the bottom of the page you can see what we did:

However, we did not tighten tie wraps and are prepared to move wires as required. On my 7 it was a daily task to move wires or add wires as needed during the final wiring of the panel, auto pilot, stick switches, etc. Be prepared to do anything at this stage, its part of the fun and challenge. Good luck. Cj
If you are talking about the cable going to the ELT, be aware that nothing related to the ELT should be run through bulkheads. In a crash, the bulkhead could be compromised and cut the cable.
All cables relating to the ELT should be run around bulkheads where possible.
Keep in mind that the ELT interface cable is not standard phone cable, phone cable uses a cross over configuration while the ELT cable is straight wired.
Keep in mind that the ELT interface cable is not standard phone cable, phone cable uses a cross over configuration while the ELT cable is straight wired.

Yes, I know, but Van's calls it a phone cable in the manual. I am referring to the cable that comes with the kit, that Van's calls a phone cable.