
Well Known Member
I am headed to Phoenix Oct 16-22 and I will have a lot of time on my hands during the day. Is there anyone in the area that does transition training? Or someone that would be willing to take me flying(210, 6'4")?

I am a couple of years from flying, but anytime I can get in an RV is a good thing. It's great build motivation. :D


80+ views and no replies....that isn't looking good for my chance to get some RV time.

Any recommendations for a flight school in the phoenix area for aerobatic training?

Anyone in the area want some help with their build?
I'll take you up

Sorry, I thought you were looking for just flight instruction. I'll be around and can take you for a ride in my 7. Also, the Copperstate Fly-in is October 24 to 27th. Good chance to see lots of planes. Usually lots of RV's too.

My direct email is [email protected].