Stu McCurdy

Well Known Member
For those that have not heard, Phil Grisham died Thursday evening at his home on Scott Field, just west of Waco.

Phil was a long time and founder member of EAA Chap 59 at McGregor Airport, just Southwest of Waco. He was a long time pillar of aviation in the Waco area, and hosted the annual Texas RV Flyins for several years in the 90s at his Scott Airfield. Several years ago he suffered a stroke and was confined to an electric wheel chair, but he continued to attend EAA Chap 59 functions as a regular.

A Memorial Service was held yesterday, Sunday, 17 Jul 11, at his Scott Airfield in his hangar along with Big Red, his trusty red Stearman, and a large gathering of friends and family. After the service about 13 aircraft participated in a series of flybys, the final one being a Missing Man which I had the pleasure to lead.

Phim Grisham will be missed.