
Well Known Member
I'm coordinating with my DAR on a test flying area. Today he told me no class "C" airspace. I've checked but can't find anything on this. My field is under a lateral limit of class "C" and my plan for the first flight is to enter a Delta pattern above the field that would be in the class C airspace. Am I missing something?
I'm looking at my year 2000 Operating Limitations, and one line item in the General Limitations states;
"Except for takeoff and landings, this aircraft shall not be operated over densely populated areas or in congested airways."

Let's not even debate this one...since I fly into the Los Angeles basin most every weekend ;)

A Phase I limitations states where I can fly (25 mile radius of Mojave airport) excluding densely populated areas, congested airways or restricted areas.

I would think the DAR is trying to say, "Depart the Class C airspace, don't hang around..." I would consider Class C airspace most likely near densely populated areas. Be sure you get this spelled out (to your advantage). Good luck :) Rosie
Tucson (KTUS)

I'm coordinating with my DAR on a test flying area. Today he told me no class "C" airspace. I've checked but can't find anything on this. My field is under a lateral limit of class "C" and my plan for the first flight is to enter a Delta pattern above the field that would be in the class C airspace. Am I missing something?

Many planes in Phase I testing use Tucson International in the center of a Class C ...however, there are many clear approaches to the field not over "congested" areas.

Class C alone should not be a deterrent.
And we have a Class C for Whidbey Island NAS here up in the Northwest. Pretty desolate area up there. I'm assuming they just need the airspace for the Navy fast-movers.
No Class A or B for phase I.

There should be no problem with Class C per sey. Again, like others have said, "no congested airways". What Paul says is probably what your DAR has in mind.
Class A and B airspace are definitely out.
And keep in mind that the DAR can further restrict you from any airspace he/she thinks is not compatible.
I'm coordinating with my DAR on a test flying area. Today he told me no class "C" airspace. I've checked but can't find anything on this. My field is under a lateral limit of class "C" and my plan for the first flight is to enter a Delta pattern above the field that would be in the class C airspace. Am I missing something?

DCU (Pryor Regional, Decatur AL) is under the HSV (Huntsville, AL) class C and has been the site of several first RV flights. We usually call the tower at HSV, tell them we will be making a first flight, and have always been cleared into class C to orbit over DCU at whatever altitude we want, usually 4000'.
Thanks everyone. That's pretty much what I figured. I've already talked with Pensacola approach and they have no problems with my initial flight planning. I'll make sure that the DAR and I discuss this. My test area (proposed) keeps me clear of most of the class C, and doesn't contain any densely populated areas.