
Moderator, Asst. Line Boy
We finished our -7A's Phase 1 last week. I had long promised my bride Kelli that she gets the first-ever Phase 2 ride as copilot. While the rest of the RV world are clustered at Oshkosh for the big show, I introduced Kelli and N260KM to each other via a 45 minute XC to Stephenville Tx (KSEP) for their fly-in and car show.


We took plenty of time learning how to strap in, adjust straps, hook up her Clarity Aloft (save the hair!), and conveniently position the sick bag (not needed). She took straight to it, even beating me to a visual on traffic called out by Alliance Tower...nice!


Blue skies for a pretty lady.

The weather was standard Texas hot and steamy, but smooth above 3000' AGL. The -7A's quick climb rate got us out of the bumps swiftly. The Dynon Skyview's HSI mode and dual-channel autopilot helped further smooth out what might have been a bumpier ride if flown by my two ham fists. We had a blast, and she declared her approval of my last 4.5 years' distraction from a normal family man's attention. Mission Success!


I think "Kelli Girl" looks far more spectacular when my Kelli Girl is on board.

Congrats Sid and Kelli:D:D

Bet I know one of the photos that will be on tomorrows front page.

Gonna send a link to Hooper.

Congrats Kelli! I'm sure it was a thrill. I know Val had the same experience as the first right seater. Now to learn how to watch for traffic, tune the radios and help with ATC instructions! Congratulations and very happy to have you in the flying RV family!