
Well Known Member
This falls under the category of curious minds want to know;

The Phase 1 completion sign off has "I certify that....... and the weight ___ and the CG location ______ at which they were obtained"

My question is - does the weight and CG used in the sign off need to be anything special? Does the plane need to be ballasted, or just the weight of the test pilot? And of course, as the test pilot is gathering the V numbers, he is burning fuel, so weight and CG is changing.

I've always wondered about this and did searches and never found an answer. Closest answer I came to was - if you want to be E-LSA, don't use a sign off weight that is over the max LSA weight.

Maybe Mel would respond, please.
Thank you
Your flight testing must cover the entire range of weight and C/G. Obviously you cannot flight test to maximum weight without ballasting the aircraft. Your sign off should list the maximum weight to which you have flight tested and the C/G at that loading.
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Weight for testing

How do you test for weight less than the test pilot? Can you get out of cg by having a 90 pound or less pilot?