
Well Known Member

I am putting my 6 back into phase 1. I have tried to read AC90-116 for the Additional Pilot Program.

It sounds like I can use a Private pilot who is current with Flight review, and is current in Category and Class to be an "Observer Pilot". But I need to put a form in my Airframe Log. Is that right?

But if I want to use a "Qualified Pilot" we have to use this matrix? And a person can use a "QP" (Qualified Pilot) for the initial stuff, but an "OP" (Observer Pilot) can be used after some the list of important stuff is done, than A "BP" Builder Pilot can use and fly the remainder of Phase One with an "OP".

I read it a couple of times. Long story short. I have a current Private Pilot who is current, but has no RV time. It sounds like they can serve as an "OP" but not a "QP".

What did y'all do?
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Just re-read again. So for those interested...

A Qualified Pilot needs to have all kinds time and experience

An Observer Pilot needs less experience but needs to be current with Flight Review and needs to be current with ASEL and tailwheel if using a tailwheel RV.

You can't use an Observer Pilot Initially but can transition into using one after some tasks are completed and an endorsement is made in the airframe log.

always learning...
Be sure to look at the airplane requirements also, such as fuel flow, compression tests, etc documented. Its a great program but be aware the plane has to meet some requirements also.
Good call. Since I'm putting my plane back into phase 1 for 5 hours, I'm not sure if you have to do all that. I couldn't find anything either way.