
Well Known Member
I just purchased an ELSA RV12 with like 60 or 70 hours on it, and in reviewing the paperwork, found no entry anywhere that phase one was completed, as required by the Operating Limitations.
The big question I have is what should I do about that?
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I just purchased an RV12 with like 60 or 70 hours on it, and in reviewing the paperwork, found no entry anywhere that phase one was completed, as required by the Operating Limitations.
The big question I have is what should I do about that?

Unless you can get written confirmation from the pilot that phase I testing has been completed, someone will have to perform phase I testing in accordance with the operating limitations. This may require an amended airworthiness certificate to move the flight test area.

Remember phase I testing is all about testing the parameters of the aircraft, NOT a specific number of hours.

Without that sign-off, all flights outside of the test area and/or with a passenger have been made illegally.

This is one reason we recommend getting a pre-buy inspection. To catch things like this.
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I would have expected to see the maintenance manual and the PAP with the logs. It will be a part of my 12 as long as I own it.
Keep in mind, the FAA does not require or even suggest logs, it is just often a convenient way to organize records. It is possible it is recorded in some place I have not yet even looked. Building an ELSA generates LOTS of paper, with no clear indication of just where to put each piece.
I would think the first step would be to ask whoever you bought it from, or the builder. Assuming Phase 1 WAS completed, they could either direct you to the entry, or provide a written statement of the completion to you. Even so, I would take it with a grain of salt and conduct plenty of my own testing. Wouldn't be the first time somebody fudged the records, I would imagine. And it's still a low-time, relatively untested plane.

If the seller would admit that it was NOT completed (I doubt he would), you have other issues to work through...
