
A big, hearty congratulations guys!! You've only just begun to find out what you really do have. You'll shortly realize that you can go somewhere in 1/4 the time it takes to drive and after you do a few rolls and loops, you'll see that it only gets better.


The fun is in the journey both in building and in the many flights you now have to look forward to. Congratulations!

Beste Rene, Aart, Pim en Harm,

Gefeliciteerd ! Tijdens de "Roll-out" in Lelystad heb ik kunnen zien dat jullie een prachtig vliegtuig gebouwd hebben, als je er mee naar Oshkosh zou kunnen vliegen sleepten jullie zeker enkele prijzen in de wacht! Wie weet,..... Schotland, IJsland, Groenland, Canada en dan ?zuid-west?, richting Chicago, nog een paar honderd mijl en je bent er, het kan wel! Ik hoop dat jullie de vliegerervaringen hier ook zullen posten als motivatie voor de gene onder ons die nog een tijd te gaan hebben.

Hopelijk ben ik over iets meer dan een jaar ook zo ver met mijn RV9A, maar ik moet alles alleen doen (euh....met mijn vrouw natuurlijk), dus het kan ook nog iets langer zijn. Nogmaals, "congratulations" en veel vliegplezier!

Groeten, PilotTonny.

PS: Dit zullen die Amerikanen leuk vinden :p

Congratulations Aart, Rene and Pim! You have a beautiful aircraft and I know you will love it like all the other RVer's do.

I hope to have my FADEC RV-7A flying in about 6 months.

Danny Smith

Rene et al,

Gefeliciteerd met het prachtig werk en de eerste vlught...en welkom bij de RV gemeenschap. .

Piet (That's Pete in Dutch)

PS: for the rest of the people that does not speak Dutch:....Congrats with the nice work and welcome to the RV community. I lived in Holland many moons ago. Nice country, but expensive landing fees.

Rene, where do you do your testing, since it is so densely populated and how much does it cost to get the paperwork done for the experimental airplanes? How many hours to fly-off the hours? how much are landing fees these days and how about gas?
what a beautiful airplane. congratulations-- enjoy her. I'm always amazed at how nimble and light the controls are on MY 7a.

Thanks for the good wishes! I flew her again today and, like you predicted, it gets better and better! Of course there is allways room for improvements but hey: let's not forget the building fun!

For Piet/Pete: We do our testflying overhead Lelystad airport. Room enough in the polders in case of an emergency. Actually the paperwork in the Netherlands is more easy than you might expect in our over-regulated country: there are no inbetween build inspections and even no fly-off hours, just two seperate inspections for airframe and instruments.
Landing fees are extremely high: 20 Euro's (about 25 dollars for a t&g in the weekends) so therefor I plan to fly to germany or belgium as soon as I feel comfortable enough with the plane. Fuel is also quite costly: about 1,5 dollar per LITRE :eek:

Still it is all worth it :D
Prices are very high in The Netherlands


I think you are mistaken with a price of $ 1,50/liter! Todays price for Avgas in Lelystad is EUR 2,36/liter (at the current rate that is approx. $3,21/liter or $12,15/USGal) Even Mogas will be at least $2,00/liter. :eek:

When I attended the Roll-out, a couple of weeks ago, I payed EUR 36,- (approx. $ 49,-) landing fees for the C-152. I stayed a couple of hours only.

You would indeed be better off coming to Belgium, prices are still high, compared to the US, but not as high as that.

Rene Bubberman said:
Last thursday, 23 August at 7:15 pm, the first RV-7 in the Netherlands took to the skies!
It flew perfectly, very stable yet nimble. Thanks to you all for your support, help and inspiration!

Congratulations Rene! AND being the first is just as exciting.
Hartelijk gefeliciteerd

Congratulations Rene, on this great milestone; it's wonderful to see all that work come to fruition. Wishing you many years of enjoyment in that beautiful aircraft.