
Active Member
I am looking at page 07-05 where it says to "Radius the corners at the forward end of the R-912 Counterbalance Rib and R-903 Top Rib flanges to ease fit when the skins are installed. See Figure 3."

The diagram in figure 3 is not too clear. Do I want to radius the entire forward end of the rib flange down to the web? top to bottom? Anyone have a photo of how they did it?
Yes top to bottom. That whole face is going against the skin and you do not want an edge to push against the skin as it will show on outside.
I found it easier to do when you envision the skin overlying the part and think about where the part will tend to "imprint" on the skin - which edges/corners touch the skin or the skin tends to be very tight over a single point, then I used scotchbrite wheel to ease those edges to a radius that would reduce the imprint. IOW, turn the corners into curves so the surface touching skin increases and the point of pressure on the skin is reduced a bit.

It's easy to overdo this if you're aggressive.....