
Well Known Member
UPDATE: 3/2/19 as of 6:35 PM There is now one room left at the Hangar Hotel. Several at the Fredericksburg Inn (830) 997-0202 MORE FLY-IN INFO FILE LINK IN POST #17

UPDATE: 3/2/19 4:30 PM (deleted for space) Rooms at the Fredericksburg Inn (830) 997-0202 which is rated as the #2 hotel in Fredericksburg. Many other rooms available in town as well but we just don't have a relationship with them. Because of the easy access to Uber, Lyft, Taxies, etc... we don't think it matters. Book something, register, and plan on seeing a ton of your RV'Ator family in Fredericksburg!


Thanks to Dan & Karen Weyant, Petit Jean Spring is going to happen on Mar 22, 23, & 24 in Fredericksburg, TX Come in early on the 21st if you like! Also big thanks to Judie and Fred Mooney who are on the ground working on it every day! (They live there) This is completely different than Petit Jean on the Mountain but the one thing that never changes …. it’s all about you. It’s the RV Gathering, Shopping, Wine’ing or Beer’ing, Touring or just hanging out! Do it all or don’t do anything except make a friend! We are expecting 150 of your closest RV buddies and we only do this for the fun of the gathering so here we go ………

Petit Jean Spring….the Hill Country Soirée - FredericksBurg Tx. Fredericksburg is home to the Nimitz Pacific War Museum, Lady Bird Johnson Ranch, Luchenbach Ranch, the second largest Wine Tour in the country, and hundreds of unique boutique shops on Historic Main Street as well as the famous Hangar Hotel at T82!

Here’s the deal. It’s a completely impromptu weekend with a furious amount of recent late night planning and phone calls with Dan, Karen, Fred, & Judie! Fredericksburg is a little like Petit Jean Mountain! It’s an amazing place but for completely different reasons! It’s a small town B&B kind of place but we think we have found a way to make it work really well, at least for our RV group. When Dan & Karen Weyant (don’t you love’em) found out we could book a block rooms at various hotels, he locked what he could and then we put out a very mild and limited email to see if we could get any interest in a southern RV easy Petit Jean Spring Weekend in Historic Fredericksburg. One of the blocks is at the Hangar Hotel and one block is at the Fredericksburg Inn. We immediately got reply’s and when we told everyone what we had in mind, they ( you RV zealots �� immediately called direct and confirmed a bunch of rooms for the weekend. Everyone has heard of the Hangar Hotel and the response was quick for that one. We don’t have the kind of relationships with these hotels as we do on the Mountain so we’re learning the ropes on how to work an event there.

We THINK there may be some rooms at the Hangar Hotel that are or will open with their normal cancellations but you have to call them. We know folks are booked but not sure exactly who or how many! We KNOW there are at least 20 rooms at the Fredericksburg Inn as of tonight and it’s a great place just a block off Main Street. The good news is that we think there are a lot of nice B&Bs and local hotels also available for one or several couples but you have to look them up yourself. See Housing information below! We don’t have the same relationship with them as we do the RCC so it really is kind of first come and first serve. Between the two hotels, we are expecting 60 – XXX airplanes and just like PJ North, it’s almost exclusively couples! Suggest you book it now, tonight, early morning, ASAP :--)

So the cool thing about this trip is that any hotel around Main Street should work fine as well because all of our activities will be at the Airport or on Main Street. We will have rent cars at the airport, uber, lyft, and taxies galore so no real need to think that you just have to be somewhere. Just find a room and get to town and you’re sure to have a great weekend in Historic Fredericksburg.

Here are the two hotels that are working with us but anywhere in town will be fun! The Group ID is Petit Jean Spring Fredericksburg Inn & Suites (830) 997-0202 or the Hangar Hotel @ T82 (830) 997-9990

No matter where you book, please, please …. After you get your rooms booked … we need you to complete the OnLine Registration

OnLine Registration / Survey Click Here:

There is a lot of detail on tours, hotels, websites but DARN….. Doug has us limited to 16,000 words or so. Please send me an email for full details…. It’s long but that’s because there is SOOOOO much to do. Holler at: [email protected]

For now, book a room, fill out the OnLine Registration link, and mark off the weekend for a great Hill Country RV Gathering. Plan to arrive at T82 before lunch on Friday! Expect the OnLine Registration to sign up for tours and meals later this weekend/ Here is what we are thinking on the agenda but Karen hasn’t weighed in so it could change in a minute! She’s a whirlwind …. :--) !

  • Arrive before lunch Friday. Taxi over and register in the hotel. Think about lunch at the hotel or after you head toward Main Street in Historic Fredericksburg!
  • Meet friends in the Hangar Hotel bar and talk about where to go and what to do after lunch! We will have lots of info before then but know that Main Street is the place to be. Shopping, Breweries, Wineries, Museums, and just plain old hanging out places.
  • Go to Main Street and have a leisurely afternoon walking with friends. We will think of some way to identify RV’ators from a distance. Probably carry a helium balloon on a string …. Kidding :--)
  • Maybe tour a couple of museums, maybe do the Nimitz, maybe just taste wine all day and then uber back … kinda like PJ North :--)
  • Get a bike and cycle the town! Not me…. You do that :--)
  • Come back about 5-6 hit the bar and relax, it’s a cool fun place!
  • Friday Evening ….. Group Cocktail Party with Heavy Hors’dourves at the EAA Hangar and Party Room …. You know … our usual kind of unusual RV Gathering place with booze and possibly music! Costs are shown below. Expect to pay for meals, and tours but no other fees! No raffles, no door prizes, no Bill & Jerry show :--) but no registration fees either.
  • Wander the ramp after dinner, relax, and mingle or go downtown to Main Street.
  • Saturday Breakfast at 7:00 at the Hotel (Included with the rooms)
  • MORNING BUS TOUR … this is going to be GREAT! It will take in the Lady Bird Johnson Ranch/Museum, Wild Seeds, Luchenbach, and a winery or two and end up back on Main Street for lunch and then the Nimitz Museum and more! $35 a head, leaves from the Hangar Hotel but will stop on Main Street and pick up folks there. LIMITED TO FIRST FIFTY TO SIGN UP ON LINE but we’ll figure it out if more want on the bus. (If you have a rental car, you could just follow along…it’s all up to you)
  • Afternoon is free to wander Main Street and tour the Nimitz Pacific War Museum ….what a great place and it’s just off Main Street. OR …
  • Shop ‘till ya drop! Tons of artsy-fartsy shops, antique shops, clothes, jewelry, you name it. This place is great! Corner Breweries for the guys!
  • Saturday Group Dinner will be at the EAA Hangar at the airport and will be some great Texas BBQ and cold beer & wine! You could also do a group on your own at various restaurants. Still working on it.
  • Sunday Breakfast at the hotels, or whenever, with whoever, then do whatever, eat however, then take a last trip down Main Street, or a last tour.
  • Lunch on Main Street or at the HH, say so long to your friends until Petit Jean 2019 … the Gathering on the Mountain and leave on your own schedule ….
Yup you got it…another Petit Jean Style RV Easy weekend … The Hill Country Gathering !

See you at T82
Dan, & Karen, Fred & Judie, and Bill ( PJ Tx Indians )

Lots more information available but no room to send it. Email at: [email protected]
Just a sampling of things to come:

Nimitz Pacific War Museum …. This the National Pacific War Museum. It’s a huge opportunity! I’m told you can easily spend a whole day here. Best news for the guys is that it is on Main Street where the shopping is best so you can let the ladies shop and the guys can drop…over to the Nimitz pacific War Museum.

Winery Tours …. I didn’t know this! WOW…Fredericksburg has the second most popular Winery Tour in the United States, right after NAPA Valley!
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Sound off?

I would be interested to know who is attending.

Sandy and plan to arrive Thursday weather permitting.


We think camping is available. We currently have close to 50 airplanes with rooms booked. All the usuals attending. Will try to figure out name list.
Camp sites at Lady Bird RV Park

This is a link to the campground. Judie and Fred are on the ground checking to see if we can access through the airport fence or have to drive around the corner. Either way that should be doable. :D We did find out that there are showers and restrooms in the primitive area. You can see them in the picture just by the road.


Looks like it can be done pretty easy even if we have to run folks around on the street. They call this the "Primitive Campground" next to the RV Drive in campground but they haven't seen some of our RV'ator Camping ;)

Instead of hiking the trails, we'll be staggering the streets. They say the Brewery's are great and walking the street with a glass is the standard of the day! My kind of place :)
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We can't cross the runway, but I think I can use my ATV to pick folks up and go around.
Wine tours

For those who really want a great wine tour I would recommend Texas Wine Tours. If possible I would ask for Jerry Fischer (my brother in law). Awesome story teller and knows his wines. He may claim not to know me :)
Wine Tours ...

Luke, that means you are going to bring some of that great wine to the Formation Clinic next month for sure ;) That should smooth out some of the jitters :)

Thanks for all that formation coaching years ago. You allowed me to rise to the level of my incompetence :eek:

C U up close!


It's a great place for the ladies. I've been involved in several events here in the last 19 years and they have all been great fun. A lot of folks always want to come back. It isn't Petit Jean, but Fredericksburg is a really good destination.
Karen and I will be flying and driving up Thursday sometime.

Tons of things to do in Fredericksburg. Lots of shopping, wineries, a couple breweries, and now a couple distilleries in the area!

Look forward to seeing a lot of folks!

Fredericksburg weather

It is Texas and anything could happen. The average temperature for August 22, 23, and 24 is high 72 and the low is 46. Perfect for a fly in.
Registrations coming in steady!

So, we have at least 44 plus 6 or so rooms booked that I am personally aware and still growing. That should mean 50-60+ airplanes at a minimum. We have 30 pilots who booked and registered online since Saturday Morning :) and we have a couple who are thinking about camping at LBJ Campground or maybe in a hangar.... how fun would that be :D

We also have 22 of the first 31 couples signed up for the Saturday morning tour which means that we have room for 3 more couples as the tour bus is a max 50 thing. If it's full, you can always follow by car, Uber, Lyft, or cab but the tour bus will be a fun group. If Paul and Cathy G. are on the bus, it's possible there could be one or many of her Bloody Mary's involved :rolleyes:

Please be sure to do the online registration as soon as possible, that lets us plan for some of the fun stuff :D OnLine Registration / Survey Click Here :--> OnLine Registration / Survey Click Here :-->

I always think it's interesting to see what kind of airplanes are heading to the gathering. Here is a chart on the first 31 in the que.


Should be a great weekend for a Hill Country Hangout! (We're obviously trying to find a name to hang on this thing :cool: )

See you at T82 :):D
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More registrations

Getting better all the time! :cool: We have 7 more confirmed this morning, not sure about room status but there is something for sure in town. Camping options are also firming up!

See you in Fredericksburg! :)


I am told that the Hangar Hotel is full but there are still rooms at the Fredericksburg Inn. #2. Ranked Hotel in Fredericksburg. Kellie is great !

40 something airplanes registered since Saturday morning. :)

Thanks Bill
Fredericksburg Info File

This is a short PDF showing maps and the tour stops. Because we can't track the hotel registrations we can't say for sure how many are coming but we know there were about 50 rooms booked before the hotel closed the block. :D

We have 43 actually registered online and really need to have everyone that is coming please register. Our first tour bus on Saturday is sold out with 25 couples and we need to know for sure if we need to book another.

Info'factoid. There are more RV8s than anything else with 8 RV8's (is that a coincidence :rolleyes: and 2 RV14's and then everything else EXCEPT and RV3..... come'on 3 Drivers :) ? belly up!

It's going to be a really fun weekend in Fredericksburg. At least 10 have said they will be there sometime Thursday so that should be a really fun time at the Hangar Bar.

Please see OnLine Registration link in the first post if you haven't already done os.

See ya at T82


[email protected] for details
and then everything else EXCEPT and RV3..... come'on 3 Drivers :) ? belly up!

Sounds like a great time! I want to be the -3 that shows up but long range wx is showing rain in MO for that weekend. I'm gonna wait till a little closer before booking and registering.
Hill country

We have been in Florida for 9 days, had to fight the thunderstorm line across the south today, worked out fine, 29 kt. head wind at times. 3.2 hours from McComb, Ms. Glad to be home, Judie worked the food and other items the whole time we were gone. It's going to be a great weekend in the hill country next weekend. I know I'm prejudiced but it's hard to beat Fredericksburg for fun.
HELP PLEASE ... Final Headcount Updates

This is going to be a GREAT weekend! :) If you have already registered with the full OnLine Registration, you should have been getting update emails this past week. :) Please check your email now yesterdays UPDATE!

If you have not been getting email updates, :confused: we probably don't have you registered. :( If you are planning on coming please be sure you have done the normal OnLine Registration that gives us your arrival and departure time, contact info, tail numbers, and food and tour requests.

Please .. Do this first! Here is the initial OnLine Registration link:

Now if you have already done that, we need you to do the Final Head Count Survey which commits for dinners and tours.

Now Please ? Do this Second! Here is the Final Head Count Survey Link:
It is really really important that you fill out the Final Head Count Survey before Monday night late. We have to commit on Tuesday morning and will do so based on what you tell us.

See'ya at T82 ?. we have about 8 couples coming in Thursday, a day early. Join us, the more the merrier.

The Texas Hill Country Indians (cousins to the Petit Jean Indians :)
Dan & Karen, Fred & Judie, Bill & JoBeth
Three day out UPDATE

We are officially either three days or four days out from the Hill Country Gathering in Fredericksburg depending on whether you are coming in on Friday or Thursday for even more fun. At least 10 are planning on showing up early including me :) There are some rooms available at both the Hangar Hotel and Fredericksburg Inn due to some late weather cancellations. Grab them up if it looks good from your point of view ;)

Late tomorrow we have to commit for the Friday Night Ramp Party and the Saturday AM bus tour of Lady Bird Ranch, Luchenbach, Wild Flowers, and Lost Way Winery. From there it's on to a steady stream of walking and wine tasting and the Nimitz Pacific War Museum.... if the ladies don't do the "shop till ya drop" thing on Main Street where all the cool boutique shops and other artsy fartsy shops are :rolleyes:. Usually there is a Local Beer Brewery within 100 yards of every shop on Main Street so there is something for the guys to do while the lady's prowl :eek:

If you have already registered but have not completed the Final Head Count Survey, please do so tonight as we have to commit for those things tomorrow.

Here is the Final Head Count Survey Link:

It is really really important that you fill out the Final Head Count Survey before Monday night late. We have to commit on Tuesday morning and will do so based on what you tell us.

Thanks ?. See'ya at T82
The Hill Country Indians ? cousins to the PJ Indians ;)
Dan & Karen, Fred & Judie, Bill & JoBeth
Morning Bus Tour

This should be outstanding. We have 52 booked for the 55 passenger bus and Paul & Kathy are bringing Bloody Marys for all. :D

I'm betting about an hour into this tour, the bus is going to be ROCKING... literally! :rolleyes:

There's always room for a friend. Register now and plan on being in Fredricksburg TX on Thursday or Friday!:)

Current Registrations are sitting at 40 after a few WX adjustments:

It is Texas and anything could happen. The average temperature for August 22, 23, and 24 is high 72 and the low is 46. Perfect for a fly in.

I have to move to central Texas !! Average high here in East Texas in August is 90 !! :):):)
Email Bill Schlatterer

Bill Schalatterer has been putting this together and it?s scheduled for March 27 - 29. Room reservations at the Hangar Hotel are full but he says if enough people put their name on the ?wait list? then a downtown hotel can be booked. Email Bill at: [email protected] for information.
Bill Schalatterer has been putting this together and it’s scheduled for March 27 - 29. Room reservations at the Hangar Hotel are full but he says if enough people put their name on the “wait list” then a downtown hotel can be booked. Email Bill at: [email protected] for information.

That is disappointing to hear, never even got the chance to try. Sounds like it has become a "members only" event.
Colin and others who feel left out. It's likely that Bill asked the attendees from last years RV Hill Country Gathering if they planned to attend BEFORE he publicly announced the event. I'm guessing Bill did not include past attendees of PJ in the Hill Country Gathering pre-invite.

Bill works VERY HARD to include everyone who is interested in Pettit Jean as well as the Hill Country Gathering. Just because the Hangar Hotel is pre-booked does not mean that there won't be place to stay and participate. Also likely there will be some cancellations from some who initially told Bill that they wanted space at the Hangar Hotel. I predict there will be an announcement from Bill about the 2020 Hill Country Gathering on Feb 16. ;)

Fredericksburg is a tourist town...boatloads of hotels, and the FBO rental cars are cheap. Nothin' real special about the Hangar Hotel, other than the bar is nice. If you want to go, just do it!

Watch out for the idiot airport manager. Last year he was upset because we were using more tiedown spaces than he had "given" the organizers. His reason was that he wanted to save some "in case someone wants to fly in tomorrow". This on a ramp as big as, well, Texas.

Let's see now...a whole bunch of airplane owners flew into town, bought out the airport hotel, filled the bar, ate at the restaurants, rented cars, chartered a tour bus, bought wine, visited the museums, went shopping, and then bought a bunch of gas. The nerve of those people! ;)
Colin and others who feel left out. It's likely that Bill asked the attendees from last years RV Hill Country Gathering if they planned to attend BEFORE he publicly announced the event. I'm guessing Bill did not include past attendees of PJ in the Hill Country Gathering pre-invite.

Bill works VERY HARD to include everyone who is interested in Pettit Jean as well as the Hill Country Gathering. Just because the Hangar Hotel is pre-booked does not mean that there won't be place to stay and participate. Also likely there will be some cancellations from some who initially told Bill that they wanted space at the Hangar Hotel. I predict there will be an announcement from Bill about the 2020 Hill Country Gathering on Feb 16. ;)


Thanks for the update, I didn't realize there were so many options. Guess my mind is stuck in Petit Jean mode (middle of the woods). I am a planner, both professionally and personally, 1 month notice is last-minute in my book...haha.

Fredericksburg is a tourist town...boatloads of hotels, and the FBO rental cars are cheap. Nothin' real special about the Hangar Hotel, other than the bar is nice. If you want to go, just do it!

Watch out for the idiot airport manager. Last year he was upset because we were using more tiedown spaces than he had "given" the organizers. His reason was that he wanted to save some "in case someone wants to fly in tomorrow". This on a ramp as big as, well, Texas.

Let's see now...a whole bunch of airplane owners flew into town, bought out the airport hotel, filled the bar, ate at the restaurants, rented cars, chartered a tour bus, bought wine, visited the museums, went shopping, and then bought a bunch of gas. The nerve of those people! ;)

I saw your nametag on the registration table in the fall. Was hoping to meet you in person, but saw that your daughter got married, congrats.
I saw your nametag on the registration table in the fall. Was hoping to meet you in person, but saw that your daughter got married, congrats.

Thank you. They're still married, so it's all good.

Ms Patti and I won't make Fredericksburg this year, as we're visiting the UK for our 40th. We do plan to be at PJ next fall.
Thank you. They're still married, so it's all good.

Ms Patti and I won't make Fredericksburg this year, as we're visiting the UK for our 40th. We do plan to be at PJ next fall.

Very cool, my wife and I will be in Ireland for our 13th in June.
Thanks for the update, I didn't realize there were so many options. Guess my mind is stuck in Petit Jean mode (middle of the woods). I am a planner, both professionally and personally, 1 month notice is last-minute in my book...haha.



Let me know if you plan to attend. I may just fly up for the day on Saturday. Only an hour flight.

Let me know if you plan to attend. I may just fly up for the day on Saturday. Only an hour flight.

I am planning to go if I can get a hotel that isn't too far from the action. I'm not going with the family, so I am there more for the airplanes than wine tasting etc. Probably have another RV'r with me as well. I look forward to meeting you in person!

It?s coming together and Bill will have alternative hotel accommodations. We will have a good time and a lot of folks have been working in the background. It?s different than Petit Jean because of the venue, but the focus is the folks and the airplanes.
I am planning to go if I can get a hotel that isn't too far from the action. I'm not going with the family, so I am there more for the airplanes than wine tasting etc. Probably have another RV'r with me as well. I look forward to meeting you in person!


You met me in Dallas. I stopped by your house and you made me a set of nose gear bushings along with the bearings to convert my nose wheel while I waited. They worked out excellent!

Looking forward to seeing your completed aircraft. That I have not seen.


You met me in Dallas. I stopped by your house and you made me a set of nose gear bushings along with the bearings to convert my nose wheel while I waited. They worked out excellent!

Looking forward to seeing your completed aircraft. That I have not seen.


You are right, I forgot all about that. Seems like a lifetime ago....haha