Paul 5r4

Well Known Member
It was an F5 weekend on the mountain!!! F5???? Friends, Food, Fun, Fellowship and Flying! WHAT A WEEDEND it was at the Petit Jean, Arkansas fly in. I was one of the early birds, 4th I think, that arrived on Thursday to assist with whatever Bill and the guys needed. It seemed to all come together quickly.... from the smaller tents to the big Red.... no the Green.... that's not right.... OH YES, the big blue top tent, (you had to be there). I know what I was seeing was just the tip of the iceberg. Bill, Jerry and the rest had started weeks earlier working on everything. The cutting of the grassy areas for instance.... not lawn mowers.... tractors! Bill puts in an enormous amount of work. I just can't say enough about that bunch that puts this event together to bring out the "Magic on the Mountain!" I don't know all the names and I feel bad about that. Bill has a great team. Another thank you to AIR BOSS Bob. He does a great job at keeping the PJ traffic flowing smoothly!

My numbers may not be dead on but by Thursday evening there were maybe 25 airplanes parked. Despite the predictions for rain Friday, the weather was beautiful. There were more arrivals Friday. The rain did come just before dark. Not too much and it passed during the night. Saturday and Sunday were again beautiful. Before it was over, I don't know what the final count was but it was a great turnout!

Here is a link to a short youtube video I posted. Only about 4 minutes.... stills and video clips combined. You'll be especially interested in a new event..... Balloon Popping. It turned out to be on of the favorites I think. I'm sure we'll see it again next year! If you've not attended PJ, put it on your calendar... you won't be disappointed!

Edited to add this photo. I don't know who's RV this is. This pic is in the middle of the video but I feel it's begs for a caption so I added it here.
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Maybe the best PJ ever...but I say that every year.

For those (like Figs) who lost their child's college fund betting on my balloon busting performance, well, sorry. I missed the balloons on purpose, so the winners would split your money with me...yeah, yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it...
It was a great weekend! After some crummy weather on Friday, the weekend was basically perfect. Thanks to all those who put it together.

That balloon busting event was the highlight of the weekend for me. I came within INCHES every time but they still got away. Next year I am duct taping razor blades to my whole airplane. Those balloons do not stand a chance.
Meanwhile I will stick to making those lip smacking good blueberry pancakes.