
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Good night's sleep. All survived.

Big fire in the morning, lots of food and we're about to go hiking. Paul will probably head on back to Houston as there is some wx coming in.

Lots of laughing around the fire last night. The geese honked ALL NIGHT and I forgot earplugs. Looking forward to looking at the pictures at home and sharing with the community.

Petit Jean is a GREAT place to visit in the RV. Big campground 100' from the planes. Hot showers and potable water. We are not roughing it for sure.

Back in Houston....

Well, the weather looked a lot worse on the XM picture and in the TAF's than it turned out to be, and I made it back without having to file, although against some headwinds. It turns out that the large areas of precip shown on the radar were mostly virga, and I cruised all the way at 6.5K, with clear below, or occasional scattered clouds, and only rarely picked up a little precip on the windshield. The radar still shows showers out west of Houston, but I seriously doubt that the TAF-predicted thundershowers will develop. A nice day for flying.....and a great overnight up at Petit Jean!

It's a bit odd to wake up in your tent, nice cool air, the smell of the woods, dawn slowly breaking....and you hear a guy in the tent a few yards away typing on his computer......some might say it ruins the mood! Like DR says - it was not exactly roughing it....:rolleyes:

I'll have to see what pictures I took - Martha Jane seemed to have the camera out most often!

Doug is back home...

What happens in Petit Jean stays in Petit Jean.


I'll get the pics and text online Monday.

What a blast!

Donuts by "Special Delivery"....

Almost forgot - (Doug - I can't remember if you guys had already left for the park or not...). While we were all standing on the ramp this morning, we got buzzed a nicely-painted Cessna 150 which promptly pulled up into a tight turn, landed nicely with a touchdown not far down the runway, and taxied smartly up to the line of RV's. Out popped a gentleman whom, while I had never met, looked vaguely familiar. turned out to be the brother of one of our Houston RV-8 flyers, and a member here known as "Special Delivery", with....what else, a special delivery of donuts for the campers! He brought them fresh from Little Rock, where he lives, saying he'd gotten a call from his brother suggesting he make the trip.

A nice visit was had by by all, and the donuts were enjoyed!

A good time

I just wanted to say thanks to doug and all for letting me hang out last night it was fun.:)

Here is one of my pics that shows just how close one can camp to there plane at petit jean.

Yep Donuts!

Even thought we were done with Breakfast. The donuts were a special treat! Thanks.

Danny & Martha Jane, Don C, Charlie and Donna, and Carol & I flew to Gastons while Doogie and company were hiking. We met up with Jim & Debby Lane, RV8. We had a nice lunch. You gotta come to Gastons. Great place.
The ramp was full of airplanes lots of fun was had by all.
Easy trip home lead buy Danny . Stopped for fuel in Sherman, TX $3.60 a gal,, I think?

You should'a been there!!
Easy trip home lead buy Danny . Stopped for fuel in Sherman, TX $3.60 a gal,, I think?
I had to be at work until late Friday, so I missed the trip. Went to ADM today for Blue Pig, saw a ton of Kitty Hawk 737s and 727s that were there for maintenance.

Tuned 122.75 on the way back and heard Jay and Danny headed for Sherman for fuel. I was going to stop at GLE, but what the heck, hadn't seem them in a while, went to SWI. $3.60/gal ($0.10/gal more than GLE, it turns out), a quick howdy to Jay, Danny and S.O.s, then back to ADS.

Very strange winds today at 2500-3500... strangely bumpy, but overall good WX.

Sad when this work thing gets in the way of flying...