
Active Member
Our Petit Jean KMPJ trip this year is Saturday and Sunday, 6 and 7 November. There has been a post in the VAF Calendar section for a while now which has some links to past years' trip reports.

For the first-timers, the basics: arrive Saturday whenever you want. Bring tent camping gear and a chair, and food for what we laughingly call "The Banquet" Saturday night. This is a campfire cookout over charcoal grills or the open campfire. People bring everything from steaks or chicken and baked potatoes, to hot dogs and brats. There is a lot of food swapping and sharing going on, and just plain mooching so please bring some extra food for the drop-ins. A dessert to share is always popular.

The fly-in camping area has a great bathhouse with hot showers.

This year features a Star Party if the weather cooperates. I'm not sure what that is but we chose these dates because there is a new moon, ie. pitch black dark. Doug are we asking people to bring telescopes for this?

Sunday breakfast ranges from leftovers to the full deal, whatever you want to bring. Those who want to, which has been just about everybody in past years, can then head over to the main park area for a hike, wandering around the lodge, or a meal at the restaurant. Most people are gone by mid-afternoon-ish but there is the option to stay another night if you want to.

That's about it, hope for good weather...
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This past Tue at the park

We stopped in this Tue for a quick lunch at the park. The trees are just starting to turn so by Nov. should be great fall colors and by the way the pie at the lodge was great also
Doug IN. Bringing old 6" Dobsonian I built before the RV project started (if I can find it) :eek:
It's roughed out in my calendar... If weather works, I'll likely be there. Gonna try to scrounge up some more from around here (Minnesota).
Count me in!

I will be there in the 182 (no laughing) and plan on bringing a friend along. I am really hoping to find someone willing to give a ride in a -6. I have heard a lot about how the easy of a taildragger it is, but I would love to find out first hand. It would be greatly appreciated!
I'm embarrassed to say that this event is not really organized enough to have a "count." There are five or six official sites, each of which can handle five or so tents; it's unlikely we would run out of space.

Forecast looks good. Alex, that would be neat if we got a Minnesota contingent-
Wow, weather forecast right now showing Minnesota camping temperatures though! Bring warm stuff! (lows in lower 30's!)

I talked to TJ at the Petit Jean FBO and our camping is looking good. Again, no need to call or reserve anything, we have the entire fly-in campsite for our group, just arrive when you want on Saturday. Don't pay for camping, I will pay for the group and then we will pass the hat for charity with 100% going to Make-A-Wish. Ten or twenty bucks a head were popular numbers last year.

Bill Schlatterer and his EAA group are bringing a charcoal grill for the cookout Saturday evening, and Bill's Suburban will be available for transport to and from the Lodge and hiking trails on Sunday.

Weather looking good...
Petit Jean

Some of us "locals" are thinking about flying in just for the day. Maybe have lunch at the lodge and hang out a bit, then head back home. We're about 75 air miles North of Petit Jean at one of the nicest fly-in communities anywhere, The Valley at Cotter AR.
we are in

Tom & Bonnie are bringing a large crock pot to bake up a pot of baked beans to share for Sat nights meal.
Some of us "locals" are thinking about flying in just for the day. Maybe have lunch at the lodge and hang out a bit, then head back home. We're about 75 air miles North of Petit Jean at one of the nicest fly-in communities anywhere, The Valley at Cotter AR.

Chalk up two more RV-7's for a Saturday day trip. Will be heading back to Evansville, IN Sat. afternoon.
No Minnesota contingent...

Couldn't round anyone up, so I'll probably stay home also. I was about 50:50 on going it alone. There's always next year! Enjoy, and throw one back for me!
Warmer in MN...

Well, it would seem that the forecast for MN is warmer than for Petit Jean...

Now, the good company alone would justify the trip south, but...

If I'm gonna burn avgas when it is cold, I prefer to get somewhere noticeably warmer!
It is crisp and clear here in Arkansas today

A few minutes ago the web said 41F. It is actually quite nice. I am doing my annual wood cutting and splitting for the fireplace and welcome to cool days. There should be a lot of heat generated there by the friendships that have developed and will grow during the event. If things work out I could test my tape mod tomorrow and at least make a pass. Well, that depends on me getting some good progress on the wood.

Bob Axsom
Arkansas bound! Tanya has the cookies packed. I snuck a few...they aren't any good, you should avoid them. Burrrrrrr... Extra pair of socks, Check. Alcohol, Check. Bratwurst, Check. W&B, uhhh, "what are we are we going to leave behind?" I hear from the kitchen where the numbers are being crunched. O2 bottle is out... Let's see, we could leave out that second bag of cookies for me to eat when we get back. The adventure has already begun.
Ready to go...

We got:

40 lbs of Firewood!
Pancake mix for Sunday morning...
Fancy chicken sausages
Tortillas & Cheese (nothin' better for camping than quesadillas!)
and of course...Guacamole for Tanya :)

And an ugly spam-can to carry it all!

We'll leave GTU around 8:30AM least that's the goal....we'll see...

Those of us you can't make it this year are anxiously awaiting reports from the field!

Bummer, we were at the end of the runway and called to #2 and nothing; the lcom A210 decided to pick that time to die. We fly a lot together and have guidelines that neither takes off without radio contact with the other. Both taxied back to the hangar, parked the planes, climbed into the car and the four of us went and spent the afternoon at a near by State Park.

Turns out a connector pin worked it's way out of the DB housing. Temporarily fixed with new socket and pin order going into Stein Monday. There is always next year.
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Great time camping!

We had a great time camping! Thanks for putting up with us young people. We made it home in the Tripacer in 2.4 hrs averaging 75kts ground speed. It was great to meet all the people there! I look forward to seeing you all again in the future!

Levi and Mariam
Rv-7 wannabes
Petit Jean 2010

I enjoyed talking to you and Mariam. It's great to have some new blood entering the hobby. Seems to me that you have your head screwed on straight, and I look forward to seeing you with an RV at these events in the future.
Meanwhile here is a picture from this year's ramp. We had great weather (though a bit cold at night) lots of good friends to share stories with (although we were missing a few of the pied pipers) and lots of beautiful planes.
See you all there next year!
xt year.
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Flew in on Saturday afternoon around 3 in the 182 and could only stay for a little while. Wish I could have stayed longer! I had an awesome time talking with everyone. Glad you were so receptive to a "youngster." Next year I will plan to stay overnight so I can soak up some more stories/knowledge. There was a yellow RV-6A that was there...does anyone know who that was? He took off from Fayetteville just before me and I didn't get a chance to say hi.
There was a yellow RV-6A that was there...does anyone know who that was? He took off from Fayetteville just before me and I didn't get a chance to say hi.

Think that was Charlie Heathco! What a great weekend! What a nice bunch of RVators :)

Bill S
7a just weeks away :)
Great pictures, hope to see more! I've been scheduling this event for several years now and this time got hit with a "perfect storm" of my part-time job and domestic stuff, had to cancel at the last minute...that's my weak excuse and I'm sticking to it.

It does appear that the group managed to muddle through anyway. Danny says the geese were not honking all night, that's definitely a first.
Little Rock and Hot Springs Folks

A BIG thank you to the local folks that turned out to help!!!!

First, Bill Schlatterer and some other guys from Little Rock drove out on Sat morning with tables, chairs, BBQ grill, awning, charcoal, hot dogs and all the stuff for them, coolers with water, pop, and beer and also provided some good company. Turns out Bill has an RV7a that is just about ready for inspection and first flight. We will be waiting for that first flight report in next few weeks. Bill left the key with Tanya for a big white vehicle for our use on Sunday morning. When numerous folks suggested a donation bucket to help pay for all this stuff, we we politely told it was just their contribution. So a big THANK YOU to some great folks that made our stay more comfortable.

Secondly, two couples from Hot Springs drove out with a pickup load of firewood. Simply stating that they thought we might be cold Sat night and this would help us. It was cold, but with a big fire going it was a lot more comfortable Sat night.

So Thank you to the local folks for your hospitality!!!
Great trip, thanks to everyone for the hospitality and the RV building advice.

My daughter and I enjoyed our first solo camping trip together, hope we can do it again soon.
A BIG thank you to the local folks that turned out to help!!!!

So a big THANK YOU to some great folks that made our stay more comfortable.

Hey, it was our pleasure. That's what RV'ness is all about :) We're hoping to have our own gaggle overnight there next year, even though it's on 10 minutes from ORK. Ya'll were having too much fun :)

The guy that did the most work/cooking/hauling was Vic Lacrocca who is finished with the wings and working on the fuse for his RV8. He is chomping at the bit to do it again. Let us know when there is something fun happening down that way!

Bill S
7a so close I can taste the grin

PS The guys in the T34 promised to bring RV8s to the next rodeo!
Wow, amazing pictures Luis. I just found this thread googling for Minnesota camping ideas. I'm new to the area and am planning a family vacation. Wondering if anyone has had any experience up at gunflint? ( Thats one of the places I've found but open to anything I can get from a local for a suggestion!!