
Well Known Member
Petit Jean 2019 - Update 15 Days Out .... Come on CAMPERS!

See post #2 below for Update -- Calling those Petit Jean Repeats ?. rooms are full but man, the campgrounds are wide open! 80 rooms and about 30 camper'planes are already registered 4 weeks out! Check out these oldies but goodies from years past.

Plan on packing those tents and a bedroll and pack up the RV. It's time to gear up for the trip to the RV Mountain! October 11-13 but come on in Thursday if you can. Already looking at about 25 airplanes and 50 heads that have found a place to stay and coming in early for the pre-party party :--) It's the most fun workday you'll have on an airport. Dinner at Mather Lodge with adult refreshments... It's RV'ator camping in high style!

Campers only need to do the OnLine registration and then let us know if you're not coming. We promise you the easiest airplane camping you will ever have. Campsites are with the airplane or in the campground, your choice. Firewood is cut, all food is provided, drinks are cold, and the showers are hot! Transport to all the trails is just part of the deal.

Check out the website for more information, pictures, and video!
PetitJeanFlyIn website:

Click Here for the OnLine Registration!

See you on the Mountain ! :--)
The Petit Jean Indians










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Two Week Update

This is the two week out update folks! :) :D We?re excited, the grass is cut low, the ramp is being trimmed and the planning is just about to turn into actual doing! The 80 odd rooms on the Mountain are still full but the campground is almost WIDE open?.almost because we have about 20 confirmed campers who we know will be there.

If you?ve been thinking about Petit Jean and never made it, now is the time. Easiest camping anywhere, everything but the tents and bedrolls are there for you. Skip anything below that doesn?t apply to camping. No need to do anything but Register so that we know you are coming and can plan accordingly. We are wait listing for rooms so email me if you want to do that. Right now we have 80 rooms booked and 4 on the wait list.

Everyone who has already confirmed rooms using the RESERVE MY ROOM process should have been contacted by now. You should have confirmed with the RCC by now as well per a previous email. If you have not, please email me! Otherwise ??

Come on CAMPERS !

Thanks :) we?ll be looking for you on the RV Mountain!
PS ? all of the usual repeat offenders have called: We?re in In IN ? for PJ 19!

IF YOU ARE CAMPING ?. All you need to do is the OnLine Registration. Click Here No prepays needed, (but we would gladly accept one �� see camping options in the Pay Pal menu ) just a confirmation that you are coming so that we can prepare and commit for transport, meals, etc. We always run out of rooms on the mountain early but we never run out of campsites?.. so far!
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Hello .... Come on Campers !

Campers, come on :) ?. give us some love here :rolleyes::p We're 15 days out and we're looking for more airplanes. We have just over 100 registered and looking for 125 so 25 more Campers would be PERFECT. We think we have the place ready to park 125 on a golf course surface!

The campground is going to be perfect, with Cabin Class Restrooms and the rumor is there will be a Lime Slush Machine with an Adult Lime Slush option ?. whatever that means in PJ Margaritaville :rolleyes:

The dance card is also short an RV3 ?. surely there is a 3 driver with a very small tent somewhere :eek:

See post above for registration link. Just sign in so we know you are coming and can plan on it! Life is good in RV Country :D

See you on the Mountain ! :)
The Petit Jean Indians

Fred and Judie are in. We are camping and our partner is flying our airplane to the mountain.
So, I?m just putting you all on notice that it?ll be me that?ll be winning that grand prize this year! :) And speaking of which, hey Bill, what does the prize lineup look like this year?
So, I?m just putting you all on notice that it?ll be me that?ll be winning that grand prize this year! :) And speaking of which, hey Bill, what does the prize lineup look like this year?

Two years ago, it felt like it took over an hour to pass out all the prizes. There were lots of prizes passed out. Would not be surprised that there are more items added to the booty every day.

Fred and Judie are in. We are camping and our partner is flying our airplane to the mountain.

With Judie's travel equipment requirements I know there is no space for an extra seat in the 6 so are you coming in 2 planes?:D
Thursday Arrival

Sandy and I plan to arrive Thursday. If she had her way we would arrive today😊
Phoenix and myself will be there early Friday, can't wait, first time :D
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Judie to Fig

We hope to be there Thursday with an eighteen wheeler for Judie?s stuff. We can help on Thursday, of course it?s all weather dependent.
Hardly a day goes by now that we are not discussing, planning, reminiscing about going back to the Mountain. We have got about 90% of the plan in place, and we are rar?in to go. Still room for some more campers, and what a great place to camp.... fire pits and electricity at each site, right near the cook area and the big circus tent. Long distance forecast is good (it?s about time). Please be sure and go to the website and register, no payment necessary as you register.... just need an idea of how much food to bring up the Mountain.
Looking forward to seeing some old friends and making some new ones.
A new addition for this year will be Margaritaville (or slushieville...depending on how old you are). Y?all Come!!
I am very excited to go. This will be my first year. I am very close to finishing Phase 1, so as long as the weather cooperates and I can finish, I'll be there!
Camping question

How bare can one camp?

What I mean is if a person just brought tent, sleeping bag and lantern (no food) is there the ability to eat at the lodge or some place close? Haven?t ever been to Petit Jean but heard some really good comments about the weekend so I?m not sure what?s available.
How bare can one camp?

What I mean is if a person just brought tent, sleeping bag and lantern (no food) is there the ability to eat at the lodge or some place close? Haven’t ever been to Petit Jean but heard some really good comments about the weekend so I’m not sure what’s available.

According to Post #2, you are set! We, however, are going to also pack two chairs and some Medicinal Beverages.
How bare can one camp?

What I mean is if a person just brought tent, sleeping bag and lantern (no food) is there the ability to eat at the lodge or some place close? Haven’t ever been to Petit Jean but heard some really good comments about the weekend so I’m not sure what’s available.

Hi Jim,

If you register and pay the fee, it covers all your meals, transportation, etc. It is a really good deal. As others have said, bring your chairs. Don't forget tie-downs, either. A camera is a good idea as is a pair of hiking shoes if you like to take scenic hikes. If you like star gazing, I hear a good pair of binoculars or telescope might come in handy. Come join the rest of the Okie RV'ers on the mountain.

Carey and I plan on arriving Friday before lunch.

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Tanya and I have camped at PJ nearly every year since about 2009. That is LONG before the current fully produced event started. All of the effort that Bill and the rest of the PJ crew put in is amazing and makes for a completely enjoyable event. Last year, we stayed in a room for the first time (as opposed to camping). This year, we're doing the same, but I declare that next year, we're going back to camping in the campgrounds!

The spirits around the camp fire, then taking your pillow out to the end of the runway around midnight for some real star gazing is simply priceless and is lost if you aren't in a tent. Camping is really great and super low effort at PJ. For those camping, it works best when there is one large camp fire, and not 6 little fires at individual sites. Share the love, squash your personal fire and go join someone else's. It just equates to more funny stories to be had in the darkness :).
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How bare can one camp?

Haven?t ever been to Petit Jean but heard some really good comments about the weekend so I?m not sure what?s available.

Jim, this is really rough camping. It could be really cold :rolleyes: 50 degrees and you might have to run your extension cord from your electric blanket about 20 feet. That is the kind of prep you need to think about :) All kidding aside, its' the easiest camping you'll ever do and we set it up specifically so that you you don't need food, firewood, or other camper necessities. Tent, bag, medicinals, and a grin are pretty much all you need. Bring a friend, you have room now and it's a lot more fun!

Check out the website: and be sure to do the online registration. That is really important for our planning purposes!

See you on the Mountain :)
The Petit Jean Indians!