
Well Known Member
To the kind gentleman the brought the Spotted Cow Beer to Petit Jean last year: I had a couple while sitting at the lodge and have not forgot about it. If there is any chance you could bring an extra case along, I would gladly reciprocate with some local Texas brew. We could trade beer and trade stories. Hope to see you there. PM if you like.

Whatever he brings, we are certainly not going to store it in the fridge at the lodge.
If I remember correctly, I think the last one that survived the raid was personally bestowed upon Tanya and I to share back at the camp grounds. Or maybe it just tasted so good that it had to have been the last one :).
The provider of last year's shanghaied barley pop has a new ride with a much larger payload. If the Sportsman is his choice for this yea'rs pilgrimage, I would bet he could be talked into smuggling in a larger booty.:eek:
Great News! If you would be so kind to throw in an extra case for me, I would gladly bring some local brew in exchange or gladly pay you with the local currency. Looking forward to seeing all the planes this year.
spotted cow

Everyone keeps forgetting the good stuff. Swiss, sharp cheddar, colby, and other fine types of cheese. There will be some bottled cow for the southern folks.