
Well Known Member

Friends, this is not the usual Early Bird PJ Update. It's finally time to make the call on the 2020 RV Gathering. Our first impulse is to say we can handle it and come on....but the problem is ... we really can't! :( Jerry Homsley and others in our PJ planning crew have come to the conclusion that there is no way we can realistically address the separation and masking required and still make this a safe and fun event. Many have called and written to say they were committed to come and others said they wanted to badly but would have to wait and see. Unfortunately, we can't postpone the decision because our planning window is closing fast.

The size of the event mandates food services, gathering for meals, proper sanitation, and transportation all over the mountain. The Rockefeller Center is working hard to help but they are currently restricted to 1/3 capacity in all communal areas which means no dinners and no breakfasts, etc. They expect to still be at 1/3 capacity in the fall. While we can handle the food at the campground with our usual expertise and newfound safety methodology, we can't cover weather events if we can't gather under the big tent. Once we get to the campground, now we have to deal with the State Parks and they have a fairly intensive set of restrictions which are ..... restrictive. :confused:

As you know our campsites are shared which is a ton of fun but hard to maintain 6 foot spacing and share one picnic table and firepit. Showers and rest room facilities at the campground are fine for our normal year but not if you have to maintain distancing. Last year, we had to rent the 3 transport vans which was a $1,700 bill. We covered that pretty easy but we think we would need twice that many if the usual crowd showed up. That means twice as many drivers and twice as many food service folks to do it right..... and that's the only way we know how to do it!

The last and biggest issue is just that we really care about all of our Petit Jean friends. Obviously, no one would come with symptoms, but what happens if they develop while they are here.... what do we do! We can't quarantine people with airplanes and we wouldn't even try. You are all friends and family to us and we care about your safety maybe more than you do. Also, if you haven't noticed, most of our volunteers are in that "experienced" stage of life where they are justifiably concerned with health conditions that are not limiting but won't play well with a dose of C19. We really need that crew and don't feel good asking them to take unnecessary risks.

So as much as we hate to make the call, we feel like the prudent thing to do is to postpone the 2020 Gathering. We plan on taking another hard look in December and if there is interest, we are thinking there might be a 2021 Spring Fling on the RV Mountain.

We know this is a disappointment but it's the right thing to do. It's the only thing we can do if we want to put friends, worker folks, and our mutual RV Family first.

God bless, be safe, and think about the Spring Fling on the Mountain! .... Life is still good, almost GREAT! It's just different for a while!

See you on the Mountain! ..... Bill & Jerry, the EAA 165 Volunteers and all the other Petit Jean Repeats that help make it all happen!

PS .... To make sure the airport stays in good shape, we will be doing the full bale, cut, and trim in September anyway so the campground itself should be in good shape for a Spring Fling. That's a hundred hours work just to make sure we can think about something early in 2021. We assume it would be open for normal camping this fall but can't say for sure right now.
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Ok, boss .... we will be ready 2 go 2021! Bill, Thank you for all you do.
"Sunshine" Van's Calendar Pin-Up Oct 2020 - Fond Memories 2019
I understand the reasons for the decisions and can just imagine the logistical nightmare a 2020 PJ might create for Bill and Jerry. A big thank you to Bill and Jerry for all they've done. With that said.......

I AM SO DISAPPOINTED! No SnF, Osh and now no PJ. Suckiest year ever!

I have a good mind to throw my tent and some hot dogs and chili in the plane and come anyway.

I know everyone is just as disappointed as me. Looking forward to the spring fling.
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This was going to be our first opportunity to attend. I fully understand and we will be awaiting 2021.
Aww man sad bit understand, this would have been our second. Looking forward to the many years ahead!
So sorry to hear. We’ve been twice and it was a great experience both times. Thanks for all the work y’all have done to put this on in the past.

Bill, really tough call, but the correct one! Looking forward to 2021! I won’t win the shortest distance traveled next time, since we are now in Arizona. Much love to all and stay safe in these crazy times!

I guess I’ll just have to toss back a scotch or three virtually this year. Anyone want to join me?
That was a tough call but the right one. Kelli and I will see everyone next year.
Look out, balloons!
Thanks for the efforts

Thanks for all the efforts the KORK Chapter puts in to these events. It is Sandy’s favorite. We look forward to the next one.


Thanks to your team for all the work that goes into planing and hosting events.

See you next year.
Thanks and here's an option !

Glad everyone understands. We only do it because we love RVs and our RV family friends which means this time we have to be prudent and cautious. Covid isn't a big deal until it's a big deal and we just don't want to take that chance with our friends. The good news is we have more time to plan for 2021 and we promise it will be an awesome year on the Mountain... one way or the other :)

BUT ....:) ... On a different positive note, we are planning and have approval from the Pine Bluff Airport commission to put on our Fall FFI Formation Clinic at Pine Bluff -- October 8-11, 2020 :cool: with current masking and separation protocols. We feel comfortable we can do it safely and still have a fun weekend. We have just one minor logistics issue and have worked out a plan to do the ground school in virtual mode so as not to waste flying time with school room time. We'll be checking temps on arrival and have medical doctors on site. We'll be using normal hotels and large bus's with limited seating for spaced transport. We will have distanced briefing areas and no large groups.

We will be extending it to Thursday through Sunday so there will be LOTS of formation flying for both new and experienced formation fans. Demo/Safety rides, two ship, and check rides on Thursday to get the basic training out of the way. Serious flying Friday and Saturday with all up on Sunday. Arrive Thursday for 2 flights, 3-4 on Friday, 3-4 on Saturday, bonus air show formation exhibitions nightly. Almost three times the flight time you would normally get anywhere else.

October 8-11, 2020 ... it will be a ton of fun and the food will be great as well. That's how you get to that ton part :D ... After 6PM adult beverages will be distributed in many small coolers ;) appropriately distanced. Bring ramp chairs :rolleyes: I am told by Jerry that the Petit Jean Lime Slushie :)rolleyes:) machines might make an appearance at Pine Bluff.

It ain't Petit Jean but it's a helluva RV weekend as well! :D More info to come!

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Been waiting for the next FFI clinic. This one sounds like it will be an excellent opportunity. Looking forward to more info and sign up.
I understand the reasons for the decisions and can just imagine the logistical nightmare a 2020 PJ might create for Bill and Jerry. A big thank you to Bill and Jerry for all they've done. With that said.......

I AM SO DISAPPOINTED! No SnF, Osh and now no PJ. Suckiest year ever!

I have a good mind to throw my tent and some hot dogs and chili in the plane and come anyway.

I know everyone is just as disappointed as me. Looking forward to the spring fling.

I have been trying to plan a camping trip to Petit Jean for a while, but the campground is still closed. At least it was last time I called a could weeks ago. If you end up going, let me know. I'll head out there for a night as well once they open the campground.
It would be fun if a few showed up for a Friday/Saturday kind of thing. I wonder if the camping grounds are "closed" if we could still pitch a tent? Wonder what the water/shower status might be and the ability to build a fire?
It would be fun if a few showed up for a Friday/Saturday kind of thing. I wonder if the camping grounds are "closed" if we could still pitch a tent? Wonder what the water/shower status might be and the ability to build a fire?

Bathrooms are closed, that is why the campgrounds are closed. The main campground is open for self-contained camping vehicles (RVs, campers, etc with their own bathroom). I have been calling pretty much monthly since May to see if the status has changed.