
Well Known Member
See last post in this thread for most current update on rooms!

UPDATE 10/4/19 9:32 PM /// 3 ROOMS AT THE ROCKEFELLER CENTER HAVE OPENED UP! WAIT LIST IS EMPTY ?. Email me or call now to lock one down. Cutting grass today and it's looking great! 104+ Registered and still looking for maybe 15 more campers!

UPDATE 9/28/19 8:39 PM 100+ Registered and looking for 25 more campers! ROOMS are still full but POSSIBLE ?? We currently have 2-4 on the confirmed wait list. Based on previous history, we will have 6-8 rooms actually turn up available a couple of days out! If you're wanting a room and didn't get one, please jump on the wait list and we'll figure a way to get you to the Mountain!

UPDATE 9/2/2019 8:47 AM ... All rooms at the Rockefeller Center are booked but there is still hope. :) So far 84 airplanes and about 140 of your closest RV friends have a warm bed in a cool, dry, room on the RV Mountain and all you hardy Camper folks have all the space, firewood, hot showers, and food you will ever need!

At this point, we are officially on WAIT LIST mode for sleeping rooms. Lots of room for Campers! Please see post #20 for details on the WAIT List process for sleeping rooms! It's going to be great year on the Mountain!

UPDATE 8/26/19 8:00 PM Seems like we are down to about 2 rooms left on the Mountain. Be quick!

UPDATE 8/23/19 11:22 AM Seems like we are down to about 6 rooms left on the Mountain. Be quick!

UPDATE 8/22/19 9:00 PM Seems like we are down to about 20 rooms left on the Mountain. Be quick!

The 2019 RV Gathering at Petit Jean Mountain is ON ON ON ! �� ?. October 11-13 and the place for you to be is KMPJ. Another great gathering on The RV Mountain with about 200 of your closest RV Buddies and Budettes and we want you to be there for all the fun! �� Come Thursday for even more fun ?. you can help us cut grass and set up :D If you don?t know anything about The RV Gathering, you need to check our website for all the fun facts, details, pictures and video....great video!

If you are a Repeat Offender on the mountain, all you want to know is how the heck do I get a room at the Rockefeller Center without waiting 4 hours in line on hold :confused::confused:

Wow :eek: ?funny you should mention that pain and agony but the really good news is that we finally have a fix for that!

First take a look at this video by Paul Duff and see what you?re missing or what you have to look forward to: Video by Paul & Beth Duff ?. Nice!


OK, now here is the deal on the rooms. It?s a very limited venue, there are only 80 rooms on the whole mountain and for the last three years, we have sold out in the first couple of painful hours the morning registration opens and it has been a trying experience for many folks. Three to four hours on hold, only to be told that the rooms are all gone was a problem. Last year during the event, some of the attendees suggested that we might take a non-refundable fee to reserve a room ahead of time which would eliminate the wait and uncertainty. That advance fee would secure them a room reservation (based on order received) and would be applied against your registration fees when you arrive. BUT if you get weathered out or just canceled after we had committed for fixed expenses, the fee would become a donation to cover some (not all) of committed costs such as meals, transportation, and campground set up. Remember everything we do has to be preplanned and hauled up to the mountain. We had almost universal support for that concept so here it is.

IF YOU ARE CAMPING ?. All you need to do is complete the OnLine Registration. No prepays needed, (but we would gladly accept one �� see camping options in the Pay Pal menu ) but we do need a confirmation that you are coming so that we can prepare and commit for transport, meals, etc. We always run out of rooms on the mountain early but we have never run out of campsites?.. so far! Click Here

If you want confirmed LODGING at the RCC ??? ?. Read ON! To reserve your room at the Rockefeller Conference Center, you can make a potentially non-refundable deposit via PayPal button on the Registration Page on the Petit Jean Web Site . That deposit will be applied against your flyin registration fees when you arrive and secures you a spot in line for rooms at the RCC. This should get us around the 4 hour wait on the phone when registration opens up. If you do the prepay option, get a confirmed room, but for some reason don?t make it in, your deposit is applied against the amounts we have to put up front for the flyin. Your support is really appreciated. (PS Our out of pocket committed costs run about $14,000)

We will apply your registration position against the available rooming list and notify you in 7-14 days if you are confirmed. Check back here for open room counts. If you are not confirmed at the RCC, your deposit will be refunded. If all rooms at the RCC book up, we will be making alternate accommodations available on a first come first serve basis as we get them lined out. If you don?t like the alternate, we will also refund your deposit but that will be your call, we?ll work it out!

So here is the drill ? read steps 1-7 first then go to the website:
  1. Remember we?ll still go by order registered. If we can?t get you in at the RCC, we will refund your preregistration fee but it does hold your specific spot on the waiting list as well and we always have some cancellations. It also gets you preferential treatment on any alternate accommodations that might become available. Again, if we confirm you a room at the RCC, it?s a non-refundable deposit. If you get/stay on the wait list and don?t get a room at the RCC, we will absolutely refund your pre-registration fee if you choose not to attend.
  2. Go to the Pay Pal button link on the website Registration Tab and choose one of the rooming options!
  3. Please specify Single Bed or Double Bed Rooms and which nights. That lets us maximize the number of couples that can attend. The deposit is about half the registration fee for a single or couple. ($100- $175)
  4. Campers prepay deposit is appreciated but not required. ($35-$70)
  5. Confirm your PayPal fee payment using your credit card or PayPal card.
  6. Expect a confirmation within 7-14 days and a confirming group number which you will use when you make final reservations at the RCC in early September. You will be able to call at your leisure and give them your CC information.
  7. As you finish the PayPal transaction, it should take you to the OnLine Registration which we desperately need you to fill out. If it does not, we have also attached the direct link to the On Line Registration below.
Here is the direct link to the Pre-Payment Option ? Click here 

This is what you should see in the drop down selection menu on the website!

Illustration ONLY !


This is an optional direct link to the ON LINE REGISTRATION if it didn?t go there automatically as you finished with PayPal!

We hope this streamlines the process and insures that those folks who support the flyin will have the best opportunity to attend and say at the RCC if they are no campers. If you want to reserve two or more rooms, you will need to go through the process once more for each additional room reservation. We are also actively looking for additional rooms in the area and we will hold those for anyone using the prepay process.

Thanks �� we?ll be looking for you on the RV Mountain!
PS ? all of the usual repeat offenders have called: We?re in In IN ? for PJ 19!

Sorry for the overkill Epistle but we are really trying to do better :)
Questions or Comments, please email me at [email protected]
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I've heard enough good things about this event, I'll be flying in this year and camping.
Update and Maybe More Rooms :)

Wow, looks like it's shaping up to be another great year! :D We have over 50 airplanes registered as of this morning and expecting well over 100 airplanes again!

Check out the Website for pictures and video Paul Duffs video from last year is really interesting with all the Balloon Busters/Blunders :D :rolleyes:

Tonight, I'll try to post the list of already registered folks so you know who else is already in. For privacy sake, we usually just post first names but everyone knows who their friends are :rolleyes: :)

It may be that we have a couple of rooms available at Mather Lodge as well. If anyone is specifically interested in those, let me know as you register. Mater is very cool, and you can walk to the Waterfall Trail off the back terrace. Mater is one mile away from the RCC but we have transport running there as well.

It's all good on the RV Mountain! KMPJ ?. BE THERE ! :)
Hi everyone, I am registered and weather permitting will be flying in a day ahead to help as needed.

My RV has been flying since April of 2012. I've attended several flyins and the the big ones as well. I want to say that PJ is the hands down absolute best. The others are fun but Petit Jean and the people, (Bill, Jerry and the many volunteers), that go to extraordinary lengths to bring out the
PJ Mountain Magic... They make Petit Jean a personalized event. Some are fb friends, you mention a few names to them and they know you or at least of you. What an awesome collection of wonderful people. Milling around the grounds, gawking at beautiful airplanes and talking to many people make this event a heart warming and soul filling experience. I brought a lady friend once and she was so, soooo impressed when after initial contact inbound with airboss Bob, he called me AND HER by name on the radio. You won't get that anywhere else!

I use to dread October... birthday :-/ .... but now it's my favorite month of the year.
Tick tock tick tock.........
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Petit Jean

I am going to try and drive over from NW Arkansas as my 6 is not yet finished. However if anyone wanted to swing by and pick me up and drop me back off later in the day I would not mind that at all. :)
I am going to try and drive over from NW Arkansas as my 6 is not yet finished. However if anyone wanted to swing by and pick me up and drop me back off later in the day I would not mind that at all. :)

Jeremy, you need to drop in at North Little Rock for a hangar tour. EAA 165 is having breakfast this Saturday. We have 20+ RVs on the field and lots of building expertise.

Come join the fun!

One Day

Jeremy, you need to drop in at North Little Rock for a hangar tour. EAA 165 is having breakfast this Saturday. We have 20+ RVs on the field and lots of building expertise.

Come join the fun!


I am taking my daughter to a specialist in Iowa City tonight for a Friday appointment. and next weekend I am going to MI to get an Io-360 that a friend is giving me. However I will try to get out there one of these days. Feel free to keep in touch.

Jeremy Sikes
[email protected]
Petit Jean 2018 Videos ! All the fun

Here are a couple of great videos from some of our favorite Petit Jean RePeaters. :) These two are from Kent & Lana Officer.

Link to All of the PJ Videos


Here are a couple more from Paul & Beth Duff! Also repeat RePeaters :) These have great footage of our 2019 Balloon Busters and Blunders evert! Same link as above!
It's all good on the Mountain!


Enjoy! See you at Petit Jean KMPJ:)! :)
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Busters or Blunders :)

Just thought I would share a couple of pictures from our Buster & Blunder event last year. It was well scripted and well flown by everyone with safety the first priority.

All planes flew a fixed track with 2 mile separation (1 Minute) monitored by AirBoss Bob. Balloons were released on call 1 mile out (30 seconds) and ascend at about 500 feet per minute so most were at 250 to 300 feet in the air at the time of the pass down the runway. Airspeed was recommended at 120 MPH and any severe maneuver was a disqualification. All it really takes is seeing it early and then a nice smooth climb to impact the balloon ?. sounds simple :cool:

You can see it in action if you check out the videos by Paul Duff on the website but here are a couple of still shots. And no the airplanes were not breaking them on knife edge :eek: Photos were from below :) That's our story and we're sticking to it!

Balloons have to be launched considering wind and drift potential ! A very scientific group here!

A lot of shouting helps them ascend properly ?. hot air rises :)


Was this a Buster or Blunder ?? Ask Ron Moring ;)


Check with Sid for the results of this pass... :rolleyes:


There was a LOT of very scientific speculation about whether a 12 inch balloon could pass between the blades of a prop spinning at 2200 RPM. Most of the guys with recorded miss's swore it was possible and some folks substantiated that with a lot of math and science theory. Really nice work and it was going well as Excuse #1 and #2 but then someone asked them to explain how the 4 foot streamer got though with the balloon.... Oh Well ?. I guess we'll work on that theoretical possibility in October.

Hope to see you on the Mountain.... we have about 6 rooms left as of this morning. Be quick if you want a roof on the Mountain. Campers always welcome.

This will be my first time. I have a set of horse shoes and Bocce ball. Are those allowed? I am also happy to donate thrm after if you have a use for them (or take them with me).
wellll ....

Glad you're coming! About 30% of the registrations are new folks with the remaining being RePeats and RepeatRePeats :) You're going to have a great weekend!

Horse shoes are good as long as there are no horses involved :--) We are a horsepoop free facility! :eek:

Boccee Ball is probably way too sophisticated for this group, and no good place to play. Beer cans and large pine cones have always worked in the past :cool:

We're thinking the new event this year will be a bear race. We let a group sit in bacon grease after breakfast and then hit the trails.... whoever makes it back wins ;)

See you on the Mountain :)
The Petit Jean Indians
Room Update

As of Sunday Morning 8/25/19, out of 80 rooms on the Mountain, we have three left, two double queens, and a single queen. It's going to be a full scale RV'evolution on the Mountain. New plan for Flying events should make Saturday afternoon on the ramp pretty entertaining :)

Looks like we have 8-10 airplanes planning on coming in Thursday to help which probably means we will finishing setting up early and the Gathering will get a jump start with group dinner and liberal libations ;) at Mather Lodge. For those that don't know what "libating" is all about, just come have a drink with us and we'll show you the drill :rolleyes:

Please please, let us know by email for sure if you are coming in Thursday or earlier and need rooms. No problem camping but rooms need a little preplanning. As always, just plan on coming, let us know, and we'll cover you one way or the other :D

If you think you have contacted us about Thursday and don't get a confirming email before you come, hit us again! ;)

See you on the Mountain :)
The Petit Jean Indians
Bloody Marys

Leave room for a Bloody Mary, we will bring the pitchers.

Im gonna sharpen my propeller for the balloon pop.
Van's will be there this year - I'm even making the trip in an RV this time, none of that commercial air travel stuff like last year! Probably in the RV-7A, but one way or another I'm definitely planning to be there. Looking forward to seeing everyone! And, I'll be hauling some Van's stuff with me of course.

If you haven't been to The Gathering on the Mountain before, get yourself registered and plan to make the trip!
Leave room for a Bloody Mary, we will bring the pitchers.

Im gonna sharpen my propeller for the balloon pop.

You might think about using a little of Kathy's lipstick and putting a gunsight on the windshield :D Just saying ?.. ;)

See'ya on the Mountain!

2 Rooms Left 8/26/19

As of 8:00 PM. We have 2 rooms left of 80 available at the RCC, a bunch of campers registered for a total of 76 OnLine registrations including campers :rolleyes: :confused: Do the funny math and it tells me we have a pretty good group of folks that reserved rooms who have not actually done/completed the online flyin registration. I see about 20 campers registered already so we should have about 100 total today (6 weeks out) if everyone who reserved a room also finished the online registration.

If you want one of those last two rooms, be quick! Click: [B][I][/I][/B] and RESERVE MY ROOM! It really works :) If you didn't also do the online registration please do. It is very important that we know you are coming so that we can insure you the most RV'Easy, Spouse Friendly Gathering that you have ever attended.

This is the direct link to the ON LINE REGISTRATION! If you have already been through the RESERVE MY ROOM process but did not complete the final OnLine FlyIn Registration ?. please help us out :) General Fly In Registration ? no charge, no fees, just let us know you're coming!

See you on the Mountain :)
The Petit Jean Indians
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RCC Room Update & WAIT LIST

Lucky guy, Kent Wright, got the very last room at the RCC. :D As far as we can tell, there are no rooms left at the Rockefeller Center, Mather Lodge, or Cedar Falls Motel. It's going to be another great year on the Mountain! :)

Now we are switching to wait listing for rooms at the RCC. Usually, we have several cancellations in the last week or two and fill 8-10 of those but that is no guarantee. From this point on, all deposits taken using the RESERVE MY ROOM PayPal process will be applied to the wait list group in order received.

Everyone who used the RESERVE MY ROOM PayPal process should have already received a note from the PJ Indians saying they have a room and will get final confirmation instructions this week after Memorial Day. We thank you greatly for your help and consideration.

SO...on to the WAIT LIST. Deposits placed for A room on the WAIT LIST assures you that IF a room is cancelled and becomes available you will be placed in order of deposit received. Only fair thing we know to do! BUT... unlike the guaranteed rooms and non-refundable deposits taken in up to this point, ANY DEPOSITS TAKEN ON THE WAIT LIST WILL BE REFUNDED IN FULL IF YOU DO NOT END UP WITH A ROOM RESERVATION AT LEAST 24 HOURS OUT.


Check here for any updates!

See you on the Mountain! :)
The Petit Jean Indians
Airplane Count 5 weeks out!

Come on folks. The rooms are full ….so what! :cool: The campground has enough room for a 100 so make your plans, pack your tent because that is all you need. Food, water, firewood, hot showers, transport,...hey it's all done for you. We guarantee you the most RV'Easy, spouse friendly weekend you have ever spent with 200 of your best new RV friends.

Pack a bag, wear a smile, and bring a friend to the RV Mountain on October 11-13 or come early for the pre-party party work day :rolleyes:

(This is that Tom Sawyer thing... we're having sooo much fun getting ready we really couldn't possibly be thinking about wanting to share the good time and let you come help ........ OK well maybe we can :) Seriously, we can take a few more on Thursday if anyone wants to come early. I think we have about 4 Thursday only rooms left. Looks like we will have about 50 at Mather Lodge for dinner Thursday :D

So hey! How about these folks. Sid, Kelli, Sandra, Roy all sitting around doing nothing but planning for a fun time on the Mountain! They're ready! :cool: :D


This is what everyone is flying.... and YEP... that's a SUPER 6 in the middle :)


This is actually what the preregistered have already committed and we usually get 50 more registrations in the week before if the 10 day forecast is anywhere close.
84 on the way but still short an RV3 to fill out the dance card!
Come on! Plan it …. be there! :)


See you on the Mountain ! :--)
The Petit Jean Indians
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Come on Campers

UPDATE 9/28/19 8:39 PM 100+ Registered and looking for 25 more campers! :D ROOMS are still full but POSSIBLE :cool: ?? We currently have 2-4 on the confirmed wait list. Based on previous history, we will have 6-8 rooms actually turn up available a couple of days out! If you're wanting a room and didn't get one, please jump on the wait list and we'll figure a way to get you to the Mountain! ;)

There is another thread titled Petit Jean Campers. Check it out for pictures and comments. :)

See you on the Mountain! :)
The Petit Jean Indians
Room Update 3 open at the RCC

Have had three (3) room openings at the Rockefeller Conference Center and the wait list is now empty. Call or email to lock one down!

No time for long posts, we've been cutting grass, grooming the campground, and killing a few beers, bears, bees, and whatever else lives on the Mountain :)




Come on Campers and 3 Lodgers. Life is good with a couple hundred of your closest RV Buddies and Budettes ;)

Email me or call if you want to lock one down. On Monday, our booking services are over and it's whoever, whatever, whenever:eek:

Get'em while you can!

See you on the Mountain!
The Petit Jean Indians
Room Update

We just had two cancels and two more book so we are still net 3 rooms available at the Rockefeller Center. :) All rooms for Thursday are full at the RCC and at Mather as far as we know. Call or email if we can hook you up for a Friday/Saturday soriee. ;)

Turning this booking thing all back to the RCC tomorrow so after that, it's whoever, whenever, and whatever :)

Campers have an open door, it's looking great! Jerry and the cook crew are ordering/stockpiling grub and fixing to put on a real show for breakfast and lunches.

Still looking like 20-30 airplanes on the ramp Thursday night and thinking about 55-60 for dinner at Mather. Total registrations for Friday / Saturday are sitting at 109 airplanes! Life is looking good at Petit Jean!

See you on the Mountain!
The Petit Jean Indians :)
Room update Monday morning.

One in and one out this morning. Still net three rooms available and now have a Thursday - Sunday room available.

Traveling and posting on the go!

See you on the Mountain.


IT"S ON 😉 It?s looking like good for getting in Thursday, rain during the night, clearing by midday Friday and severe clear on Saturday and good return weather Sunday 😊 At least that is what the genie says looking at the picture below. Read previous post below, check the weather, make your own call, and be safe. Preferred alternate is Morrilton KBDQ because it?s only 20 minutes away by car but we can get to Russellville KRUE as well (it?s 45 minutes by car and they do have a car rental in Russellville)


See you on the Mountain!

Testing Mouse in the House

As happens before many an RV gathering, the appropriate rations are being baked for the trip. [Hey - I EARNED my callsign] Tail Number BINGO anyone?

The mouse in the house is testing the product to determine if it is good enough to ship 'Air Mail'.

We can't wait to see HUNDREDS of our best friends tomorrow! Many thanks to the folks that put in a lot of effort to make this event happen.

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Looking at the weather, arrival after 12 looks best. Launch from Dallas is good pretty much anytime, but no place to arrive until it clears a bit. Glad I packed for all weather.
Looking at the weather, arrival after 12 looks best. Launch from Dallas is good pretty much anytime, but no place to arrive until it clears a bit.

Unlike Dallas, in Austin we are on wrong side of the line of rain that does include some thunderstorms. We will be cooling our heels for a bit longer but expect to make it this afternoon, even if we have to go west first to get around the back side of the line.

It was a good time as always. We had a fantastic time talking with old and new friends. I think our first year on the mountain was 2009...










The rest of them here
We had an absolute blast this weekend. We made many new friends and are already looking forward to next year. As I type this Kira is sitting in front of me waiting on her ball to be thrown. It seems we?re more worn out than she is from this weekend.

Big shout out to Bill and all of the volunteers who make this event happen.
We had an absolute blast this weekend. We made many new friends and are already looking forward to next year. As I type this Kira is sitting in front of me waiting on her ball to be thrown. It seems we?re more worn out than she is from this weekend.

Big shout out to Bill and all of the volunteers who make this event happen.

(Beware, Dog people!)

As far as we're concerned, Kira stole the show! Your investment has been worthwhile. We were impressed from across the creek while she ignored all other people and dogs while following up the boulders at the waterfalls. I didn't carry a long enough telephoto lens to share.

Bonus images of that girl!

"Really, I didn't make that mess. I just like the smell of beer and decided to drop under Andrew's airplane where the foam drain is! We need to train those humans how to poor a proper beer."

"I am DOG, and I love my MAMA!." Really, this is the real deal. 16" paw to paw, waiting for the trainer to flinch. Two girls in lock step.


"Did someone say Cheese!? The good Wisconsin kind? Ron, do you like dogs, because they LOVE you! I can help with that cheese."


Ok, Dad also had a part in the magic, but this looked like a girl operation :).
Who said you need an airplane to have fun at Petit Jean.

Thanks Bob for clearing us on the runway. Thanks Scroll for video

Word is that the whole ramp Could hear Kathy screaming at 120 MPH as PIC.
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We don't need no steenking fuel!

First time visitor this year, but definitely will not be the only time, Petit Jean is a must-go on the list! Another year, maybe two, and I'll bring my son Collin along for the fun.

I love my long-range tanks on my 9A, I departed from my home strip out here near Midland TX Friday morning with 68 gallons on board, flew to Fayetteville for lunch with a friend and then hopped down to Petit Jean for the main event. Flew a short hop while there after getting my prop balanced, and then departed Sunday morning to Hot Springs for lunch with some other friends, then home again - without ever buying a drop of fuel. Landed with an hour and a half still in the tanks, life is good.
Petit Jean

This was my first time at Petit Jean and I will definitely be back. Everyone was friendly and it was a fun weekend. It was good to see so many RV's and the nice people who own and fly them.
Ms. Patti and I are sorry we missed PJ, but we had a good excuse. May I present Mrs. Katherine Horton Haynes...with umbrella. The crud at PJ on Friday arrived in Alabama on Saturday. Not a good day for a garden wedding, but wonderful otherwise.

Congratulations Dan! Do you have anymore of those milestones coming up? I have 3 daughters (high school aged) but I know that wedding could be coming someday. Hopefully, far...far...far into the future.

Anna are I are planning to make it next year. Hopefully in an RV8 but definitely in a Cessna 195.

Edit: We would have made it this year but my freakishly athletic wife was doing the Ironman World Championships in Kona, HI. I'm just a little proud of her! :D
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Congratulations Dan! Do you have anymore of those milestones coming up? I have 3 daughters (high school aged) but I know that wedding could be coming someday. Hopefully, far...far...far into the future.

Nope, Kat is a one and only. Three? Boy, are you in for it....

Edit: We would have made it this year but my freakishly athletic wife was doing the Ironman World Championships in Kona, HI. I'm just a little proud of her! :D

She will love the trails in Petit Jean Park.
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Who said you need an airplane to have fun at Petit Jean.

Thanks Bob for clearing us on the runway. Thanks Scroll for video

Word is that the whole ramp Could hear Kathy screaming at 120 MPH as PIC.

Negative.... that was Paul screaming like a girl :);) Kathy had him pinned in the seat and a foot on the floor! Go girl!

For those that don't know it...Paul & Cathy got the "drove the furthest" award coming from 12 hours away.... shoulda let Kathy drive... would have been 6 :cool:

PS... thanks for the two bottles of vegetable juice, made it to the hangar safe and sound! :D

Saw you on the Mountain ;)
Ms. Patti and I are sorry we missed PJ, but we had a good excuse. May I present Mrs. Katherine Horton Haynes![/img]

A bride in her full beautiful glory causes a groom's heart to skip a thunderous beat. Often times two or three. Such is the majestity of Marriage.
Mr. Haynes has much for which he should be quite proud, as should her wonderful parents and new in-laws.
Kelli and I extend our most sincere and heartfelt congratulations to the lovely bride and the (poor unsuspecting) handsome groom, good Sir! The balloons can wait until next year's under-wing carnage. :cool:
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Congratulations Dan! We missed you guys, but that is definitely an acceptable excuse.

Poor planning on Katherine and Mr. Haynes part though. Not as bad as my coworker whose anniversary usually occurs during Oshkosh, but still problematic unless Katherine is willing to spend some anniversaries at Petit Jean!