
Well Known Member
Petit Jean 2017 .... The Gathering is ON! Nov 3,4 & 5 (10/30/17 2 rooms left)

UPDATE 1/9/2018 ... :--) Pictures and albums at the end of this thread in post #46

UPDATE 11/6/2017 ... It's a wrap! :--) Pictures and albums in post #46 Check out the comments starting with Post #30 and then the update and pictures in Post #39! It was another great weekend on the Mountain. Already looking forward to 2018!

UPDATE 10/30/2017 :--) 2 Rooms just opened up ..... We were completely sold out but it looks like we might have 2 only of the single queen rooms open at the RCC for Friday and Saturday. Preference given to two night stays but we'll work hard to get anyone in that wants in. PM or EM if you need rooms.

UPDATE 10/13/2017 20 days out and counting down! We've started to cut 5 acres of grass, trimming trees, and spiffing up the Campground! Working out schedules and transport logistics. Tonight, we have 123 RV's registered and confirmed and we're looking for a few more. We still need a RV3 to fill out the dance card! The Conference Center is completely booked but we still have camping available. The runway has been resurfaced and looks shiny new! It's going to be a great weekend on the RV Mountain! Here is what the mix looked like a couple of nights ago.


There is an unofficial wait list for rooms at the Rockefeller Conference Center. They can't keep one but we do! If you're interested, contact me by PM or email!

Stay tuned for more updates
C U on D'Mountain :)

Original Post >> Hard to believe it but it's Petit Jean time again. :) The leaves will be turning, the air will be brisk, and the trails will be perfect :) This year the Gathering is on for Nov. 3, 4, & 5 and the Petit Jean RV'ator group(s) are planning on making this years RV Gathering one of the very best! Always big thanks to the Rockefeller Conference Center and Arkansas State Parks & Tourism. Couldn't do it without them. :--) Lots of news so don't expect short :rolleyes:

Last years event started with 300 OVC and ended with maybe the most successful and satisfying Gathering ever! When the OVC lifted on Saturday, we had 71 airplanes arrive between 11:30 and 1:30. ATC said we were the busiest airport in Arkansas .... for a day :)

Do yourself a favor .... Turn up the sound and check our this video by Kent & Lana Officer or search the VAF Forums for Petit Jean 2016 and see for yourself .



Now here is the hard to believe news,... apparently last years coverage in KitPlanes and on the VAF coupled with last years WX adversity has pushed the bar higher for those that have been to the Mountain before. As usual, we publish an early bird notice to 1) volunteer workers and 2) previous attendees and contributors because the Gathering is about friends who met on the Mountain and friends who will met on the Mountain in the future. It's about friendship, fellowship, and RVs....not much else other than a hundred RVs, easy camping, hiking on beautiful trails, great Rockefeller Center accommodations, and too much food!

This year was no different and that notice went out about 10 days ago. We always book 30-40 rooms in the first week and 10 to 20 so campsites as well. Then we release on the VAF (and NOWHERE ELSE because it's all RV) and over the next 4 or 5 weeks all of the available rooms on the Mountain will book out. The accommodations are great but limited in number and the airport parking is also limited.... the available facilities set the limits not us. If you've been to Petit Jean before, then you know what we mean.

Now the crazy part..... we emailed the notice out at 7:00 AM Tuesday and by 1:00 PM the Rockefeller Center was completely booked out. All 75 rooms booked out in 6 hours flat! It's never happened before so we were caught completely by surprise.

The good news is that we have room for 30 campers and still have plenty of room. As of yesterday, there were also 5 rooms left at Mather Lodge which is also a very very cool place to stay. We worked out a transport program with them so that's not an issue.

We are also checking on another local older motel called the Cedar Falls Hotel. Be aware, it is a 60 year old circle court and shows it's age but the FB reviews seem positive. I went and checked it out. It has 16 rooms and a nice 3 bedroom house and a cottage. Here is a link to pictures I took and brochures. Feel free to email or call me for the whole story on CFH.

Please please .... understand that the Rockefeller Conference Center is not a hotel and doesn't wait list so it won't do much good to call them at this point. They are working with us but full is full. But yes.... there will be cancellations and we(me) are keeping an active wait list to place cancelled rooms.

That's really better than folks calling every night and just hoping :confused: IF you're serious about coming and want us to see if we can scramble up a room for you, please email me with your info, names and nights, tail number, and cell number and we'll put you on the unofficial wait list. We can't promise anything but know that we will do our best to find and place cancelled rooms based on order of request and availability.

Please ... This is very important! On Line Registration! If you're planning on camping or have confirmed lodging, please be sure to register on line as soon as possible. That lets us plan for aircraft parking and have you covered for food, drinks, transport to trails., etc. It's easy and just takes a minute. 2017 On line registration link: All we ask is that if you decide not to come, please email and let us know so we can adjust the logistics accordingly.

Thanks from all the Petit Jean Indians!
C U on the Mountain :)
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Mya's still smiling about her prize winning haul last year! Planning on PJ for sure, not sure which kiddo will accompany me this year. I'm looking forward to when I can bring the wife!
See ya Saturday as usual.

- If ya' ain't camping, you aren't doing it "right".
- Campers have more fun when the sun goes down.
- The bears will keep you nice and warm at night (there are none, so...)
Can't wait

The Petit Jean Fly-In was one of my inspirations while building. Sandy and I can't wait to attend. I had to request vacation time a year in advance, so that made me get the build complete for this event. Phase 1 is complete, now just wheel pants to go! We will be at this event, even if pantless.😊
Mya's still smiling about her prize winning haul last year! Planning on PJ for sure, not sure which kiddo will accompany me this year. I'm looking forward to when I can bring the wife!

A couple of my favorite shots from Petit Jean:

Dinner and fun at the RCC Stockyard Dinner. Mya Crabtree ....smiles for miles!


Always some "Fig'Sooner" person photo bombing :rolleyes:


Stargazing on the ramp after the Saturday Night Big Top dinner.


Always something interesting flying by .... ;)


My favorite picture. No idea who this young man is but he just stopped in his tracks to take it all in. He definitely "gets" Petit Jean! :)


C U on the Mountain!
The Petit Jean Indians :)
See ya Saturday as usual.

- If ya' ain't camping, you aren't doing it "right".
- Campers have more fun when the sun goes down.
- The bears will keep you nice and warm at night (there are none, so...)

I keep looking for you to register an 8 with Tanya bringing the 9 :). How's it going ?

Love the Petit Jean gathering. Always one of my favorites of the year! Can't wait to see everyone again and enjoy some late night runway start gazing!

Sadly, we will miss this year! ......Being scheduled a week later to the first Weekend in November knocked us out of getting to go because of my work schedule.
I'll be there again Bill. I sent in my registration but haven't heard back yet, from what I remember it was pretty quick and I just want to make sure it was received. Looking forward to it.

I'll be there again Bill. I sent in my registration but haven't heard back yet, from what I remember it was pretty quick and I just want to make sure it was received. Looking forward to it.


Hhmm.... I have this particular airplane, a really nice gal named Jennifer as a "rightseater" and you as the pilot :). So..... 1 RV + 1 nice couple + completed OnLine Registration form means we will throw another log on the fire and be looking for you on Novenber 3. Unless of course, this really isn't you and Jenn ;)


(Nick & Jenn - Arrival Picture from PJ 2016)

Bill & the Petit Jean Indians
C U on the Mountain
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Fuel Planning? Remember to check notams

I was at Morrilton Airport (KBDQ) a couple of days ago and saw a sign that the Morrilton Airport Runway will be closed from Sept 25th through November 9th for a runway rehabilitation project. That will eliminate one of the closest options to KMPJ for fuel. Also eliminates Morrilton airport as an option if the mountain is IFR.
Update ... 20 days out!

UPDATE 10/13/2017 20 days out and counting down! We've started to cut 5 acres of grass, trimming trees, and spiffing up the Campground! Working out schedules and transport logistics. Tonight, we have 123 RV's registered and confirmed and we're looking for a few more. We still need a RV3 to fill out the dance card! The Conference Center is completely booked but we still have camping available. The runway has been resurfaced and looks shiny new! It's going to be a great weekend on the RV Mountain! Here is what the mix looked like a couple of nights ago.


There is an unofficial wait list for rooms at the Rockefeller Conference Center. They can't keep one but we do! If you're interested, contact me by PM or email!

Stay tuned for more updates
C U on D'Mountain :)

All the details at
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Improvements ... we got'em!

So this is just to let you know the Indians aren't laying low! When you arrive at Petit Jean this year, don't be shocked .... she has a new set of clothes .... all new black & white resurface :--) Courtesy of your tax dollars and a LOT of whining and begging. ;)


Of course there are folks who fly at night so Vic is replacing and "trying" to repair the Vasi's. Note the cover on the ground... we don't know why but we working on it :--)


Of course we start early cutting 6 or 9 acres of waist high grass. Who knows's a LOT! This is two weeks after our first bush hogging. Now we're on to second finish cut.


This is after the almost final finish cut we did this week with the help of JR from the Rockefeller Conference Center.


This is the area where Lewis was knee high! It's golf course high now!


OK, so that was the good part but we still have a lot to do! More cutting, hole filling, more hole filling, more hole ......


And then there is that campground thing ...


So when you get to Petit Jean this year, landing on new surfaces, meeting new friends, on newly cut grass.... let's see that new smile flashing at the RV Gathering on the Mountain. Thanks to all the grass cutters, Vic Larocca, Lewis Casey, Bruce Hood, Don Moore, JR Rager... and a few others.

While we're playing outdoors, Jerry and the cook crew are counting heads, making lists, and getting ready so you can put on the feed bag! (Ron, skip the feed bag and bring Spotted Cows.)

It's shaping up to be a great weekend in the Ozarks, leaves will be in full change mode, and the trails should be awesome. Suggest the Friday PM and Saturday AM runs so you don't miss the fun on the ramp Sat PM.

We are still sold out of rooms, camping is still open with preregistration, and there may...may be one really nice three bedroom house available. I think it's $200 a night, it's nice, and it's on the shuttle route. Find two friends and come on. Holler, PM, or email if you want me to run that trap.

As always, check out the website for details ...

C U on D'Mountain
The Petit Jean Indians :)
KBDQ paving project

The company that was hired to remove the runway crown and reseal the runway continues to delay beginning the project. As of today (15 Oct) the Morrilton airport is still open. We have had no update from the airport commission of a new targeted closure date. Check your NOTAMs closer to the flyin date. I'll try and keep you updated, I'm based there as a tenant and we get updates from the local commissioners.

Morrilton .... as an alternate WX location

JT, thanks for the update on the Morrilton. I hate the delays but I hope the airport is still open on Nov 3-5. :eek: Last year, Morrilton, Russelville, Harrison, Pine Bluff, and others became very viable weather alternates.

Although no one actually got into the airport on Friday last year because of 300-OVC. We still managed to have well over 70 pilots and passengers for dinner Friday night at the RCC. They landed close and we sent the vans out, courtesy cars were used, and possibly a Goober Uber or two even helped out :)

The next morning we delivered them back to airplanes and we had 80 arrivals between 11:00AM and 2:00 PM Saturday. It was great!

We'll check and be posting as the weekend gets closer. :)

Thanks Bill
Getting excited!!

Thing are looking good!! You guys always do such a beautiful job! Were looking forward to some time in the forest with our good RV friends.

We have (1) room for Fri. and Sat. night (Nov. 3 & 4) at Mather lodge that we will be cancelling soon. If someone is interested give me a call and I will see if I can transfer it. We are staying at the Rockefeller Center and will not need these. Ron 815 291 8864
Update to KBDQ status Morrilton, AR.

We recieved a mailer this week that the runway construction project would begin on 23 October and now close the runway until 10 December. But as of this afternoon no closure NOTAM is in the system. The construction company has now failed to start on the apponted start date four times, so please recheck for NOTAMs
This same thing happened to us based here about four years ago when the runway was lengthened and the taxiway was extended the full length of the runway. Not telling you guys how to operate, but we were told (wink, wink) that the runway was closed; not the airport, gas pumps, or TAXIWAY......
Some folks flew in and out all summer long with the pavement available to them. By the way, taxiway is now 4000x50 the AFD diagram has never been updated. The Foreflight airport diagram is correct.
I'll continue to keep you appraised. Another option guys if Morrilton cannot be used is the new airport in Conway KCXW. Quick three minute flight from Morrilton with self serve fuel, 5000' runway, and two RNAV approaches.
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Room at Mather Lodge

It appears that there might be a room at Mather Lodge for Friday and Saturday night. :) If you're interested PM me and I'll give you the phone number.

135 Airplanes registered as of tonight.

Petit Jean Statistics

The clock is ticking ;) We're now 5 days out and it's looking like a record year for attendance if you go by the registrations. Currently, we have 141 pilots registered, about 135 airplanes with about 125 RVs. We have every version of the RV in attendance from the RV3 to a couple of RV14s. Here are some fun stats from the Registration Survey.

This chart shows the number of first time attendees at a little over 25% which means that 75% are RV Gathering Repeats ... :)


Gotta love those RV7A folks .... they like to travel in groups! (just a reminder that the A stands for Advanced Military Gear) :rolleyes: AT this point, it looks like the RV7A's outnumber the next big batch of RV8's by 23 to 20! :cool:


If you want to know anything about RVs, this is the place to be! Well over two thirds (that's 2/3rds 68% ) of the folks attending are actual builders! I would bet that percentage is way way past any other fly in you will attend. :) including Oshkosh or SnF. Maybe Vans Homecoming might be higher but I've never seen stats to prove it .... how about it Adam Burch? Which RV flyin has the highest concentration of builders ??


All in all, it should be an awesome weekend on the RV Mountain. Weather is looking like it is going to be agreeable, not perfect but not bad. The usual opportunity for some showers, temps in the low 70's daytime and 50's at night. Great hiking weather if you're a hiker and the leaves are really starting to turn. The state park is at it's very best this month and Petit Jean Airport is nicer than you have ever seen it.

The Gathering is still booked full at the RCC, Mather, and CFHotel but there are always last minute cancellations. The campground is never full but there will be a sea of tents. The campground at night is probably the most fun place you have ever sat around a campfire. EM or PM if you want us to try and run down some accommodations or a campsite. :)

C U on the Mountain!
Rooms Open

We were completely sold out but it looks like we might have 2 only of the single queen rooms open at the RCC for Friday and Saturday. :) Preference given to two night stays but we'll work hard to get anyone in that wants in. PM or EM if you need rooms.

Thanks Bill
RCC room

Bill, Is there still a room available at the RCC. I have a cabin reserved but if we could get a room in the RCC I'd switch.
Paul Gray 251-609-0835
Update of KBDQ Morrilton, AR as an alternate

Just spoke with folks on the airport commission. The crack sealing by the paving company is complete. The "X"'s on the runway have been removed and the airport is open for business as we speak until Monday morning when some other work will happen. This is probably the closest self serve fuel to the fly in and an IFR approach if KMPJ is in the clouds with low ceilings. Current 100LL price is $3.95/gal.

Regards, JT
Thanks to all the Indians at Petit Jean

A very heartfelt thank you to all the Indians and volunteers that made the fly in a memorable experience. The organization, the hospitality and the camaraderie was second to none. The food was excellent especially the BBQ and the awesome blueberry pancakes - well I had to get an extra in my flight bag for the way home.

Well done gents - See y'all next year.
Yeah, that was about the best PJ yet....a collection of friends from the moment we stepped out of the airplane.
Oh yeah!

Amanda and I had a great time!!! Everyone there is always so kind and easy to talk to. Good airplane talk all the way around. Thank you Andrew for a good talk on various fun topics. It is ridiculously beautiful regardless of the IFR weather. We made connections with folks that are friends of our friends and so we have expanded our friends pack and got to visit with old friends too.

Thank you Bill and Company (Thanks Phil for the awesome breakfast!) for inviting us back. See ya next time!

What a GREAT weekend on the mountain!

Thanks to all the Little Rock and Hot Springs crew for your hard work in making this event so special. We all had a great time and it was awesome to catch up with old friends and make some new friends as well. I am going to have to up my ante on the beer front for next year. There are already some mods being drafted for the ole RV-10 flying beer wagon. :)

Carrie and I took quite a few pictures on Saturday and Sunday, I will get those posted somewhere and linked here in the next few days.

Cant wait for next year!
Great time at PJ

Sandy and I watched the Petit-Jean threads every year while we were building. This year was our first chance to attend and it was worth the four years of building. We met many of the people that post here and many new friends. the entire event was well planned and lots of fun. We will be back every year.

Our sincere thanks to all that volunteered to make it happen.
Marvin McGraw
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PJ get together

This was our 4th year attending and was another great time. Fantastic group of guests and great hosts. Wonderful food and lots of very nice airplanes to look at with lots of airplane discussion. Will be back next year THANKS to all that make it happen. Ron & Kathy
Petit Jean ... highlights !

Just have to double down and say what a great weekend it was! Weather was marginal to say the least but 20 pilots and crew decided to show up on Thursday just to help and be there early! What a nice surprise :--) Including 5 or 6 worker bees, we took 40 to dinner at Mather Lodge Thursday night. The completely unplanned Thursday Gathering was a big surprise to all of us and turned out to be one of the highlights of the weekend. :-D

We'll be posting photos as soon as we can get them all uploaded but Dan Valovich was on the ramp and shot some pretty cool pictures. Check out this link to some awesome arrival and fun flight shots.

Friday was mostly low to marginal ovc with a few breaks so we had some slots where some snunk in during the day. Ramp count Friday/Sat (50'ish) was less than half the expected crowd but we had a fairly large number that drove in, enough that we had 151 for dinner at the RCC Friday night. (No kidding ... 151 :) )

Considering that everything east of the Mississippi was closed out, the turnout even without planes was a really nice surprise. Lots of folks hit the trails which I am told were really pretty with all the leaf changes in full swing. We were able to fly Saturday afternoon and there was a really nice RV8 acro routine by Tommy "Vader" Palmer whose wife also attended in her own RV3 :) ( Ain't that sweet :) ) We had Formation Routines flown by Bulldog Flight and KC Flight all under an FAA approved waiver admin'ed by AirBoss Bob. I know that's true because there was lots of "wavering" on the ramp as the guys flew.

A couple more got in Saturday and a couple left Saturday but the BBQ guys say we served 147 plus a few double ups ;-) at the Ramp BBQ. It was a great night under the Big Top, we had a fun raffle and auction and a couple of thousand laughs and smiles. I think most would say we had an exceptional Gathering on the Mountain. It's never about the numbers, it's about the folks that make it in!
Lots of great stories this year about "how I got to Petit Jean". Another first this year.... Luis & Fabiola "ubered" into Petit Jean from Hot Springs, AR. I guess we now have another viable WX alternate. Had 6 at Russellville and made the usual van run to pick them up. Several more really interesting stories, all safe and all fun!

Everyone got out after breakfast, the trailers got packed and everyone cleared Petit Jean by noon. Already looking forward to next year!

Random shots from my iPhone.....

Thursday arrivals... what a fun and completely unplanned Gathering!


East side golf course parking :--)


West side on the ramp!


Friday night dinner at the RCC ... heavy Italian ... and maybe the most awesome Red Velvet / Carrot Cake you have ever had ... ever! How'bout it folks ??


Saturday night BBQ on the Ramp


Hanging out at the Presidents Lodge at the RCC


Dan & Karen .... saying Bye-bye PJ .... see'ya next year :--)


Once again, adversity creates a lot of friendships. Another great Gathering of Friends and always something a little different on the Mountain!

Picture links should be up next week! Check the photos section

Thanks from all the Petit Jean Indians
C U on the Mountain .... 2018
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What a GREAT weekend on the mountain!

We all had a great time and it was awesome to catch up with old friends and make some new friends as well. I am going to have to up my ante on the beer front for next year. There are already some mods being drafted for the ole RV-10 flying beer wagon. :)

New model designation .... RV "Tapper Ten" ;)


PS .... suggesting water resistant chalk for the "where ya'll from" board :rolleyes:
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The tapper ten

I will see what I can do to make the "where ya'll from board" a little better for future events.

Sure do love these airplanes!
Smiles on the Ramp :--)

Sure do love these airplanes!

Don't we all :)

Check out these smiles from Petit Jean 2017 .... real pictures are still out but these are pretty typical RV Ramp Grins ;)


Angela Palmer arriving in her very own RV3 with her own special RV Grin. Husband Tommy flys the orange RV8..... upside down :--)


Kelli & Sid .... nice airplane, even nicer couple !


Stan & Nora Stockman .... repeat Indians !


Marvin McGraw showing off his shiny new RV14. Beautiful airplane. Marvin and Sandy turned into great first time volunteers.... now official PJ Indians as well :D


Our local Baggo'manic Phil Seaman directing our "athletic activities"


And maybe the most fun group on the Mountain .... da'little Indians :)
Really great to meet everyone.

Think I almost have Karen convinced to let me build an RV-14 (Thanks Marvin! :).

Huge thank you for all of the really hard work everyone puts in to make this event the success that it is!

Campers at Petit Jean State Park

There is a small lake(Lake Bailey) south of RWY 3 with an RV camping area on the south edge of the lake. My wife and I went to the camping area to check it out as a potential place to go camping and we found out something very interesting. There were camper folks sitting on the lake shore in lawn chairs watching the airplanes doing formation and coming and going aircraft. It's only about a quarter of a mile from the end of the runway. What was interesting was that some of these campers coincide their camping dates with the dates for the Petit Jean RV fly-in just so they can watch the planes! One couple finds the dates on the the internet and reserves their camping spot months in advance and have been doing this for several years! How cool is that!

The fly-in was another success and we had a great time. Looking forward to next year!
Even people in RV's love RV's :)

You're right about the campers across the lake. :) Normally there is a lot more flying going on and Saturday will have 50-100 flight operations of various sorts including visitors, fly/drop ins, formation work, pictures, fun flights etc. We think it's fun to watch and we get to see a lot of it. It's a pretty rare opportunity for someone to see regular flights, acro, and formation flights right from the campground and they really do like it!

There is a very nice lady that emails me every spring off the website address wanting to know our dates so that she can reserve sites for her and some of her family. She just happens to be local but they like to camp and just watch the airplane comings and goings! She tells me they really like it when the airplanes are landing 03 and taking off 21 because everything passes right over the campground area. :D One year she asked if all airplanes can smoke ;)

Even people in RV's love RV's :)
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Pictures from Petit JEan 2017

I'm a little late in posting these links but Petit Jean 2017 was something very special. What a great group of RV drivers and riders! I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves! The links to albums at the end have hundreds of spectacular pictures of you and all your RV buddies and buddettes! What follows is just a sample of all the miles of smiles! :)










Albums of pictures by our usual group of photographers presenting:

Dan Valovich pix .... Dan is the pro and what great shots! Click on Link:


These are really nice RV people shots by Paul Brown and Sara Works ... Click on link


C U on the Mountain!
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Fixed the link

Oops, thanks Figs, got'er done. Just saw Kent & Lana's video and it is AWESOME. Hope to have it up tomorrow. It's a big file :)

Kent/Lana's video

I've seen Kent/Lana's video from a year ago. Did they make another one? If so can someone post a link here. I flew from lower Alabama but because of weather only made it as far as Pine Bluff, AR. Spent the night there and after waiting till mid afternoon for the weather at Pine Bluff to improve to MVFR, headed back to south Alabama.
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Petit Jean Video

Not sure how long this will be in Kent’s Drop Box account so download it if you want to. It will end up on the website one way or the other! Kent said to say thanks to the Paul, Sara, and Dan because about 2/3 of the pictures came from them.

Turn up the sound and enjoy the Petit Jean Magic :)

Petit Jean Magic 2017 .... Video by Kent & Lana Officer

2017 Petit Jean …. Paul Brown and Sara Works ... Ramp & Dinner Pictures

2017 Petit Jean ….. Dan Valovich Pictures ... Professional shots!
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