
Well Known Member
It was really a good time and we have LOTS of pictures but having some trouble with the uploads. :eek: In the meantime, this is a link to Friday arrival pictures from Dan Valovich.

Dan is a professional photographer and he shot these on arrivals. Didn?t get everyone Friday but a lot. We have a lot more pictures but having trouble posting so we?ll get to them later. These are good!

Link to Video by Randall Warren. This one just shows a lot of different views around the ramp, campground, Conference Center Dinner and about 3 minutes of some really nice formation flying that was photographed off the Point at Petit Jeans Gravesite. It's worth looking at! Pay particular attention at the 8:00 minute time hack. Some cool looking formation shots looking down on the formations. Next year we are going to have a BIG lens and do it closer and slower. We'll plan it next time so anyone can get in the picture.

Here is a link to another 300 or so pictures of your closest RV buddies from Petit Jean 13 ... what a weekend ...

Falcon group shape up?. Next year, we might have to have a formation fly-off contest with Falcon and MidSouth Groups. We?ll be practicing up this year to be ready ;) See'ya in Pine Bluff!

Randall says to run this at 1080HD if you can ?.. whatever that means. For me, it just means click on this to see it.

Glad everyone could make it to the Gathering. Should be 83 RVs to vouch for a good time :)
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Great video and pictures!

And a huge Thank You to you and everyone involved for putting this on, Joann and I had a great time and definately plan on doing it again next year :D
Facebook Exclusive

About a week late in getting this posted, but hey I'm kinda busy lately...

Deb and I set up a photo album on Facebook from our recent RV trip to the Fly-In. If you go to the RV Builders and Flyers of Colorado page, you will see the Scott & Deb's Excellent RV Adventures: Petit Jean 2013 RV Gathering album. If you're a Facebook user, go ahead and "Like" the page or send me a "friend" request to see the pics.

This link should take you to the photo album directly on Facebook.

2014 Date Set - October 24 25 and 26

Just wanted to post the 2014 date. :) The Petit Jean RV Gathering is planned to happen again on October 24, 25, and 26. Should be another great RV Gathering !! Mark it on your calendar. As soon as we get the rooms and campgrounds blocked off the usual invites will flow by email a couple of months out and then posted only on the VAF. Hit me with an email address in a PM if you are not a previous attendee and want to be on the first notice. Not sure how we are going to top the Friday night fun but you can bet we're working on it ;)

It was really a good time and we have LOTS of pictures but having some trouble with the uploads. :eek: In the meantime, this is a link to Friday arrival pictures from Dan Valovich.

Dan is a professional photographer and he shot these on arrivals. Didn?t get everyone Friday but a lot. We have a lot more pictures but having trouble posting so we?ll get to them later. These are good!

Link to Video by Randall Warren. This one just shows a lot of different views around the ramp, campground, Conference Center Dinner and about 3 minutes of some really nice formation flying that was photographed off the Point at Petit Jeans Gravesite. It's worth looking at! Pay particular attention at the 8:00 minute time hack. Some cool looking formation shots looking down on the formations. Next year we are going to have a BIG lens and do it closer and slower. We'll plan it next time so anyone can get in the picture.

Here is a link to another 300 or so pictures of your closest RV buddies from Petit Jean 13 ... what a weekend ...

Falcon group shape up?. Next year, we might have to have a formation fly-off contest with Falcon and MidSouth Groups. We?ll be practicing up this year to be ready ;) See'ya in Pine Bluff!

Randall says to run this at 1080HD if you can ?.. whatever that means. For me, it just means click on this to see it.

Glad everyone could make it to the Gathering. Should be 83 RVs to vouch for a good time :)