
Well Known Member
Three PBs for my RV12 today...




Merry Christmas...Keith
RV-12 Helicopter


With photo documentation shown I think you should be awarded a Rotorcraft license immediately! And 13,000 feet??? I haven't even been that high in my -4.

Bet that was fun,
Forwards I think. I actually have a photo of 0.8 knots. It's hard to tell as the Garmin GPS and the Skydemon GPS software on my iPad both went haywire. Had me going round in circles as the ground speed approached zero, although the actual heading was almost constant.

Full power continuous climb, even at low airspeed caused no cooling problems, although the outside air temperature was cool!

Wind indicator on the Dynon tells lies. I have tried recalibrating the compass (as someone suggested), but I still get intermittent misleading wind speed/direction indications.

UK rules allow flight over FL100 and up to and including FL130 for up to 30 minutes without oxygen. Over 30 minutes, or over FL130 and oxygen is required. I was at FL130 - legal, just.

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Just bragging ;-)

605kt? Come on, thats nothing :D
Last year on my last MD-11 flight back from Toronto to Amsterdam.
But the RV-12 is also doing fine (although the 80kts GS going south took ages).

