
Well Known Member
I would much rather enjoy permanent and full sun-protection than that of the removable partial shady shades. My need to peek in the direction of the sky behind me is almost always nada. In fact, I would not mind having an opaque white tint or paint that reflect as much sun as possible.

alas, acryllic is not glass, and I don't want it to break from inadvertent issues, such as heating, chemical processes, etc.

does anyone know what is and what is not appropriate here?
Here is a picture of an RV-6 with a permanent painted shade.
It belonged to (DAR) Mel, maybe he can chime-in.

I 'm interested in this too. I always enjoy flying "under a roof" and I also think it might look good.
Not to hijack your post, but:
I am thinking of extending the aft fiberglass skirt towards the front (RV7 slider). Anyone than had seen this before? Or can comment on the idea?

Here is a picture of an RV-6 with a permanent painted shade.
It belonged to (DAR) Mel, maybe he can chime-in.

I 'm interested in this too. I always enjoy flying "under a roof" and I also think it might look good.
Not to hijack your post, but:
I am thinking of extending the aft fiberglass skirt towards the front (RV7 slider). Anyone than had seen this before? Or can comment on the idea?


Can't see the picture ...
in case you ever stray from the warm LA climate, you will might regret that. Heat muffs are barely adequate in cold climates and I am MUCH warmer on winter days with full sun due to the large glass canopy.

Food for thought.

why would I ever want to leave the land of earthquakes, floods, fire, riots, expensive houses, and high taxes? ;-).

I think I am going to tape some Hygloss Products Mirror Board Sheets - Reflective, Shiny Poster Board to my roof. Silver points at the sun, white points down to me. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MVQT11K?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_dt_b_product_details

Or would this likely heat up the plexiglass and damage it? I am hoping that the internal heating effect from reflecting back into the plexiglass would be no worse than a sunshade that absorbs heat near the plexi.

Is there a good glue (possibly removable later) or tape anyone could recommend?
in case you ever stray from the warm LA climate, you will might regret that. Heat muffs are barely adequate in cold climates and I am MUCH warmer on winter days with full sun due to the large glass canopy.

Food for thought.


Completely agree. I bank on the heating factor for half the year.

I fly mostly in the morning or evening and would never give up the great view the RV provides. I sometimes take for granted the great view forgetting my first flight with the bubble canopy. Went for my Biennial last week with a new CFI who never had been in an RV. He could not get over the visibility.

In my opinion using sunshades when needed temporarily is way better than permanently reducing you visibility.
...Heat muffs are barely adequate in cold climates...
Agree to disagree. I have dual heat muffs on my -6 and rarely find need for opening both. One is more than adequate for warming the cockpit down to 3-5C. Below that I use the second one, but I rarely fly that close to zero.
Instead of painting the acrylic, why not put a layer of vinyl (your choice of colors) over the portion of the canopy you'd like to paint? That way, you wouldn't damage the canopy, and, if desired, could remove it one day.
Agree to disagree. I have dual heat muffs on my -6 and rarely find need for opening both. One is more than adequate for warming the cockpit down to 3-5C. Below that I use the second one, but I rarely fly that close to zero.

I have two heat muffs and have no issues at 0 C, especially on sunny days. (flew on Friday and OAT was 30F and full sun. I had the heat fully closed) However, I often fly near or below 0 F at 8-10K in the winter and once the sun goes down, you better have a nice coat on. If you have found a way to keep the 6 warm in these conditions, I am all ears.

Instead of painting the acrylic, why not put a layer of vinyl (your choice of colors) over the portion of the canopy you'd like to paint? That way, you wouldn't damage the canopy, and, if desired, could remove it one day.

That is a great idea!
why would I ever want to leave the land of earthquakes, floods, fire, riots, expensive houses, and high taxes? ;-).

I think I am going to tape some Hygloss Products Mirror Board Sheets - Reflective, Shiny Poster Board to my roof. Silver points at the sun, white points down to me. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MVQT11K...roduct_details

Or would this likely heat up the plexiglass and damage it? I am hoping that the internal heating effect from reflecting back into the plexiglass would be no worse than a sunshade that absorbs heat near the plexi.

Is there a good glue (possibly removable later) or tape anyone could recommend?

No experience, but a caution. I have heard storys from the guys that put reflective shields inside the windows on the ramp and it causes long term problems with the plexi. I doubt it would be an issue for flying, but months and years of that will likely cause problems.

An outside vinyl overlay would seem perfect, and if reflective perhaps not adding heatload to the plexiglass. Alas, I am asking because of Larry's comments. I am wondering whether it could create damage, either chemically or physically. I really don't want to cause an expensive crack.
From what little I understand about vinyl wraps, they can be applied to cars and removed without damaging the paint. 3M makes some chromed vinyls which may give you the reflective properties you're looking for.

yes, but this is not car paint, but plexiglass...and not even plain old plexiglass at that, but special aviation plexi.
Of course. I was simply making the observation that it doesn't harm car paint so maybe it's worth further investigation. Perhaps try it on some scrap plexiglass if you can get some some.
