
Well Known Member
I am wondering if folks flying with IO-375 would share the performance numbers?

Specifically, I am interested in Fuel burn and TAS at WOT, and vertical performance.

I have looked for archives but couldnt find these numbers (and how they compare with IO-360)

Many thanks in advance,
Too many variables. Unless you find someone who changed engines, and engines only, and has accurate data, you'll get no meaningful info.
I changed from a standard 180hp 360 to a high compression 370 rated at about 200hp, the performance difference is quite noticeable, sorry no numbers.
All other things being equal, isn't this just an instance of the max speed increasing as a function of the cube root of the increase in HP?

Vf/Vi = (200/180)^(1/3)

or Vf = 1.035*Vi

I have an Aerosport IO-375 low compression version (8.0:1) purchased in 2010 in my RV-7. Performance #'s are very close to Vans published numbers for 180 HP IO-360. It has been disappointing from a performance perspective although in 530 hours it has not given me any real problems.
Minor thread drift: will an IO-375 fit where an IO-360 straight valve fits? Same engine mount?

I have an Aerosport IO-375 low compression version (8.0:1) purchased in 2010 in my RV-7. Performance #'s are very close to Vans published numbers for 180 HP IO-360. It has been disappointing from a performance perspective although in 530 hours it has not given me any real problems.

You should expect close to stock 360 numbers. You increased the displacement but you lowered the compression ratio. I assume for mogas...