YellowJacket RV9

Well Known Member
The accident analysis tool recently posted got me thinking, so I decided to make a "performance dashboard" for the RV. This was made with the free public version of Tableau, using data from my GRT EFIS. This is the "GRT Flight Data Log.csv" that will be on your thumb drive if connected.

The dashboard lets you view performance data for all recorded flights, or just a single flight or portion thereof, and includes all the data shown below. I found it a very interesting tool to help make flight planning more accurate. For my 9A, I also find it interesting how much the MPG goes up above 10k feet. I switched thumb drives a few months ago, so don't have too many long flights to contribute to better data yet, but as I add more, the data will only get better.

I also added a tab that shows a map view of each flight along with corresponding altitude and speed profile, similar to foreflight logs.

I am working on a way to allow users to upload data into the tool. Might be interesting to see how fast some of us REALLY are :D.

Screenshots below, and a link to the interactive tool:


That is really great. I would love to input the data from my -9A for comparison. Thanks for the effort.
was the same as mine, some fairings will take your avg TAS over 140
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That is really great. I would love to input the data from my -9A for comparison. Thanks for the effort.

If you upload your GRT data to a public site like dropbox where I can download it, I will put one together for you. Alternatively you could probably download Tableau public and my worksheet and link it to your data. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like there is a way for me to allow users to upload their data to my worksheet.

was the same as mine, some fairings will take your avg TAS over 140

I wish. All faired up, but I am 10HP shy of you and running a sensenich metal prop. Also a lot of that data is from short local flights at low altitude, where I throttle back a good bit. Running it on just my XC flights up high, I average about 142 KTAS.
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