
Well Known Member
After a period of really rotten weather - ice storms, snow storms, fog, 75F with tornado warnings (is this weather nuts or what, this is January) - things finally settled down settled down a bit.

We had almost 2 inches of rain two days ago so a careful check of the runway was in order one more time. It was wet but well drained and firm. So, as the saying goes, kick the tires and light the fire. The RV was a chomping at the bit to go as much as me. Off we went into perfectly smooth morning air. What a delight - almost a surreal event. A bit of local touring revealed many fields with standing water, not a good situation for an unscheduled landing, did not push my luck, one rolling take off and one rolling landing with plenty of power and full aft stick - the ritual is always the same, keep the nose as light as possible. So far, as always, so good.

Life could be worse. :)
I'm envious David. I'm going to do battle with that weather right now, and I wish I were flying my RV.