
Another unique view of landings from under the plane.
I took in everyone's advice from my last posting of my landings video, and tried to raise the bar (and the nose-wheel too!)

[I polished up the belly even more, I hope Webb notices again :D]

Nose gear

Just courious judging by the fore and aft oscillations of the nose gear during roll out am I correct that you have not gone with one of the modified nose wheel bearing mods?

Great Video, thanks for sharing.
I am by no means an expert, and your landings look great. It looks to me that your touchdown speed is a bit too fast. You should be holding it off longer. I remember (long ago) doing a landing and my instructor pulling back on the stick and back up we go. "Too fast" he would bark. You always remember those.

Here's a video I took which I have in another thread about shakey wheelpants with 3 of my landings in it. My video skills are not as good as yours though.

Fast forward to 2:21 for landings.
I am by no means an expert, and your landings look great. It looks to me that your touchdown speed is a bit too fast. You should be holding it off longer.

No expert here, either, but I concur. 65 kts over the fence and hold that nosewheel off until you run out of elevator authority and it *has* to come down (at a very slow speed).

And...are those flaps fully deployed? They don't appear to be to me, but it might be an illusion because of the wide-angle camera.
That was a fun video to watch. Nicely edited with voice added in.
Your landings look great by the way. I think all the A model RV's shake a bit when the nose touches... bearing mod or not. It is just really springy.
Keep the stick coming back until it comes down on it's own. You looked good out there !
Just courious judging by the fore and aft oscillations of the nose gear during roll out am I correct that you have not gone with one of the modified nose wheel bearing mods?

Great Video, thanks for sharing.

The fork and bearing are vans 2nd gen. The only mod made to that was to drill 2 small holes through the fork into the bearing to stake them with roll pins. It doesn't have the grove or beringer setup if that's what you were asking.

Glad you enjoyed the video!
Well, I thought that would be easy, but the data is pretty noisy for pitch angle, and they're nice small values so it makes it worse, but...looks like it is coming down at around 40 knots indicated or so.
I am by no means an expert, and your landings look great. It looks to me that your touchdown speed is a bit too fast. You should be holding it off longer. I remember (long ago) doing a landing and my instructor pulling back on the stick and back up we go. "Too fast" he would bark. You always remember those.

Here's a video I took which I have in another thread about shakey wheelpants with 3 of my landings in it. My video skills are not as good as yours though.

Fast forward to 2:21 for landings.

In the beginning, when first learning to fly the plane, I would come down final at 90mph. As I gain experience I brought that speed down to 80mph. I go by MPH rather than KTS because the AS indicator has its larger outer ring in MPH.

That was really an interesting video you made of the shake. Fun to see that someone else did some under-the-wing videoing too. Those wheels Really do shake though, even after the balancing. I couldn't help but go back to my video to see if mine do that too and I'd just never noticed.
Just comparing flap position at the very beginning with flap position on those landings...looks like you're landing with half flaps. True?
No expert here, either, but I concur. 65 kts over the fence and hold that nosewheel off until you run out of elevator authority and it *has* to come down (at a very slow speed).

And...are those flaps fully deployed? They don't appear to be to me, but it might be an illusion because of the wide-angle camera.

As I'd replied to PlaneCrazy, i've been flying over the fence at 80 MPH (70kts). Is the 65 kts speed considered a accepted standard for the RV-7s? How much flap is being used at that speed?

Yes, I did have some flaps in, 20 degrees for these landings. I was going to do some 40 degree ones when making the video but my brain got too focused on all the other things I was trying to do and I forgot. I do though land with 40 degrees almost all the time, but i still come in at 80mph-ish. This is not because I'm saying that's the right speed, it's just what I started doing in the beginning. I'm interested in everyone's opinion on that.

No expert here, either, but I concur. 65 kts over the fence and hold that nosewheel off until you run out of elevator authority and it *has* to come down (at a very slow speed).

And...are those flaps fully deployed? They don't appear to be to me, but it might be an illusion because of the wide-angle camera.

btw - i just wanted to point out that in the upper right corner of the video is the speed i'm flying at. I'm sure ya'll noticed that, but just in case you didn't...
That was a fun video to watch. Nicely edited with voice added in.
Your landings look great by the way. I think all the A model RV's shake a bit when the nose touches... bearing mod or not. It is just really springy.
Keep the stick coming back until it comes down on it's own. You looked good out there !

Thanks for the kind words! I love the flying part, I hate the narration part! Like everyone seems to, I hate the sound of my own voice! :D

btw - i just wanted to point out that in the upper right corner of the video is the speed i'm flying at. I'm sure ya'll noticed that, but just in case you didn't...

I saw that, didn't know if it was MPH or KIAS or KTAS or GS.

In any case...

65 KIAS is 1.3Vs0 (assuming a stall speed of 50-51 KIAS, which is what mine does and what the book says) with full flaps.

That said, it has taken me a while to get comfortable doing that, and I still tend to come in a little too hot at 70 knots, but 65 makes for a way shorter landing roll, is easier on the tires, etc. And 1.3 * Vs0 is what I was taught.

my brain got too focused on all the other things I was trying to do and I forgot.

Thanks for the kind words! I love the flying part, I hate the narration part! Like everyone seems to, I hate the sound of my own voice! :D


BTW, I'm not being critical here...just adding info on what you're showing and trying to do.

I really enjoy the videos (especially the aerobatics instruction ones!). Keep up the good work!
Definitely, I need an additional checklist specifically for all the video setup. Nothing like getting off the ground and remembering you didn't turn the exterior cameras on :eek:


Done that! :) At least with the GoPro, if I remember to turn the wifi on, I can turn it on or off from in the help if you forget even the wifi though LOL!